About Narrative
A narrative or story is an account of a series of related events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, which is derived from the adjective gnarus.
Blind Side family feud reignites a cultural debate

... Mr Oher s claims have revived longstanding criticism that the movie feeds into a negative " white saviour" Narrative - when a central white character saves a non-white character from unfortunate circumstances...
Loyle Carner: The secrets of the rapper's powerful and personal Glastonbury set

... " Shakespearean The stage show was designed to reflect that Narrative - a transition from anger and resentment to understanding and ultimately forgiveness...
Dmitry Mishov, Russian airman who defected, gives BBC interview

... This has long been the official Narrative - that Moscow was forced to resort to a " special military operation" to prevent an attack against Russia...
East Kent: A decade of failure in maternity care

... " How long do we have to keep hearing this Narrative - we accept bad things happened, we have learned and are putting it right...
Is this anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist the next Alex Jones?

... His film, called Died Suddenly, portrays a striking but false Narrative - claiming that swathes of people are suddenly and suspiciously dropping dead in large numbers, and that Covid vaccines are to blame...
How has China reacted to the balloon saga?

... Turning the NarrativeOn Monday, the Chinese government had a new claim - that at least 10 times in the past year...
Wagatha play won't punch down at Rebekah Vardy and Coleen Rooney, writer says

... " And after a " deep dive into what people were fighting for" in the court case, she concluded " it s reputation and control of their Narrative...
The Crown: Seven takeaways from the latest series of Netflix's royal drama

... I can see why the writers leapt on that Narrative - the yacht was decommissioned in 1997 in the first year of Tony Blair s administration...