About Night Owl
A night owl, evening person or simply owl, is a person who tends to stay up until late at night, or the early hours of the morning. Night owls who are involuntarily unable to fall asleep for several hours after a normal time may have delayed sleep phase syndrome.
Log burner rule change in England could land users with £300 fines

Feb 1,2023 1:51 pm
Beyoncé, Drake and the revival of 90s house music

Jun 21,2022 1:30 pm
... " Drake s album is more concerned with relationships (guess what everyone, he s a bit sad about them) but even he promises to " throw a party for my day ones" while bragging " I m a Night Owl, this a different mode"...
Anglesey crossbow murder: How car technology has helped catch a killer

Feb 24,2020 7:26 pm
Brain function of night owls and larks differ, study suggests

Feb 16,2020 3:03 am
... Researchers scanned the brains of Night Owls with a bedtime of 02:30 and a wake time of 10:15, along with early risers...