About No Worries
No worries is an expression seen in English meaning "do not worry about that", "that's all right", "she'll be alright", "over the shoulder", "more pain, more gain", "forget about it" or "sure thing". It is similar to the standard English no problem.
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... Fell from a sofa In November, concerns were raised when Mrs Castle said she didn t feel she loved Leiland-James, and in December they noted the Castles had a " lack of joy in everything that he seemed to do" but there were No Worries for his safety as no suspicious marks or bruises were seen on him...
Grew up in the UK - excluded from University

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... There were no taxes, no bills, and No Worries...
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Grew up in the UK - excluded from University
The difficulties of children of immigrant families, grew up has been described in the UK as a possible "second Windrush-style scandal". It is often only after the completion of the school, That They realize They are not British citizens and do not have the same rights as The Children with whom You grew up.
A couple of years apart and in various London schools, Hanna and Michael, both of them were filling in their Ucas forms, when They realized That something was wrong.
"I remember sitting in the computer room," says Michael. "We were All sitting together, But each apply, You are excited by your details, and try to decide which uni You want to go and think About the little things That really matter, like what the clubs at the uni, what accommodation You 're going to Stay , what to eat, You will eat, what You 're gonna do.
"That was when it Hit Me . You were asked for these documents and I could not provide such documents. I couldn't do it. There was no way for me to get to You . "
A high-achieving student at his school in East London , he had accepted, he would be able to study Computer Science at the University and "hopefully, as rich as Bill Gates for a day", although he was aware That other children had enjoyed more opportunities.
"don't grow up, we don't do easy, to travel certain things. Not on class trips go. I think I just thought, we could not afford it. On the back of my mind I think I had a clue -That this could be a Problem. I didn't really think About it - just a 14-year-old, 15-year-old, it's not something You think. "
Michael is The Child of Nigerian parents, who brought him to Britain when he was 12. As he grew up, his memories of his early years in Nigeria, disappeared, and he gradually became a Londoner. "It was like every young person, You know, go to school, to chill out at home, go out With Friends . "They All played the same games for the computer and had similar aspirations to study and get well-paid jobs.
The difference was That - as it is realized Michael, while filling in his Ucas form, in the 2015 - he was not a British citizen, he was not a refugee, and he did not allow indefinite Stay .
He soon discovered That he request could be limited to Stay - a residence Status That would allow him to legally Stay in the Kingdom for a period of Time , But he would need to get it, And Then wait. Applicants for the student Finance to legal Status in the UK must have had for at least three years prior to the start of The Academic year when their course starts.
You can apply for a limited permit to remain on the basis of their Private Life in the UK if:
The application currently costs About 10,000 euros over 10 Years .
You can born as a British, if You are in the UK and have lived here for 10 Years - this cost of £1,000.
Five years earlier, Hanna had experienced something similar. Also from a Nigerian family, They wanted to study Finance and accounting and was excited "Really Really " as You began, in the light of universities in Scotland and Wales.
"I felt like London was always a bit too Small - Time to go to another part of the UK," She says.
But then, You will meet the same brick wall as Michael, and came to the knowledge of The Invisible difference between You and your Friends at further education college.
"You are citizenship of the UK, without actually The British state. In the UK, They are the same things looked at as You have, You grew up in the same environment as the one You have, And Then All of a sudden, it is going to the government, 'OK, unfortunately, You have to know everything, and it doesn't really matter. '"
Hanna is smiling in the police, in The Hope That They will not ask to see your documentsIn fact, Hannah's situation was much less certain than That of Michael.
Michael arrived in the country at the Age Of 12, and, therefore, have been in the country for More Than half of his life by The Time he is 25 - it was to apply this fact, which enables him to Stay on.
Hanna , however, is a few months older than Michael, as in England, arrived. She was already 13, so would not have lived in the country for half of your life on your 25th birthday, and was not entitled to leave.
Young and undocumentedthe research by the University of Wolverhampton has estimated That there are, of which 133,000 are in London.
You are not able to access public funds as well as a Universal credit or child benefit. The over the Age Of 18 also face The Threat of deportation.
London mayor Sadiq Khan , called on Theresa May to act to the government two years ago to "now and avoid a second Windrush-style scandal". Windrush day mark on Monday, he called to the Minister.
"In these uncertain times, it is a national disgrace That hundreds of thousands of young Londoners, whose dreams were put on ice, from Covid-19, living In Fear of deportation and denied the chance to secure your future," He Said in a statement to The Bbc .
"These Young People , many of whom were in the UK are born to rent often do not have access to Higher Education or a job, a house or a Bank account to open, and their number is growing dramatically, when the UK completes its withdrawal from the EU in less than six months. "
Two Days after the Prime Minister , "I think That our arrangements, in theory, committed to the expulsion of perhaps half A Million people who do not have The Right papers, and who can live and work here for many, many years without involvement in a criminal activity at All - I think the legal situation is abnormal. We saw the difficulties which caused this type of problem in the Windrush fiasco. "
The Home Office , told The Bbc : "There are routes for undocumented children in this situation, the here most of her life, and from the United Kingdom to their homeland lived. Support is available and we ask You to contact us so we can help You get The Right documentation. "
In a state of limbo after leaving school, Michael spent his Time volunteering, especially with a youth club and community centre in his area. After the backup will remain limited Last Year , he started working in a bar and waits for his chance to study.
He is not entitled to study financing for a further two years. But a few weeks ago, he received Good News - he won a University scholarship and will be able to begin his studies of Computer Science in the fall.
During the study, he will earn somehow money to extend his Stay . He will again pay for the legal Status of All the two-and-a-half years for 10 Years to £2,000 Each Time . Only then, he will remain eligible for an indefinite leave.
"If You don't have The Money to again at any point, even if You 're right at The End , and You just can't get The Money again, That You basically lose the years You have already built, and You have to again start from the beginning," says Michael.
"this means That at any point You can lose The Right to Stay , their rights to work, their rights to travel, everything basically. The amount That You have worked on it, the direction, the amount You have paid. It's All gone. "
Hanna , the situation is even more precarious. You are not allowed to work, so That it is based on the Friends and relatives to support You financially. Avoiding contact with officialdom for fear of deportation. While She trusts her GP - a-service available regardless of your immigration Status - You could not have an Operation planned, without pay, and says She would be wary of going to a coronavirus Test centre.
"If the government decided to roll it out and make it mandatory for All , I've been thinking, how will You do it? Are You going to go, and You give it an ID? Or You go out without ID? I was a little worried About That ..."
When She sees police officers on The Street , their strategy is to play it cool, and give them a smile.
"If it looks like the kind of stop and Turn Around like You got something to Hide . So just as an extra cheerful and makes it look like, 'Oh, look, I have no concern for have,' That kind of says how You don't stop and search You ," She said.
Where to get helpAll of The Time , Hanna is carefully evidence of their presence in the UK to collect, because, if They can prove That You lived in the UK, continuously for 20 years, You will be eligible for Stay .
She came to 13, She is now 27. There are Six Years to go.
The name of Michael and Hanna are pseudonyms
illustrations by Tom Humberstone
windrush scandal, uk immigration, students, universities, home office, long reads, black interest, higher education, young people
Source of news: bbc.com