About Object
In linguistics, an object is any of several types of arguments. In subject-prominent, nominative-accusative languages such as English, a transitive verb typically distinguishes between its subject and ...
Lil Nas X: Why are fans throwing things on stage?

... It feels like there s a video of a different - and weirder - Object being chucked at an artist blowing up on social media every weekend...
Sussex Police hunt tomato-throwing attacker

... Later the same day a further two attacks happened in The Bourne, Hastings, one involving a person being hit in the head with a tomato and another with an unknown Object - both causing serious injuries...
Japan's mystery ball removed from the beach

... Interest in the Object - dubbed " Godzilla egg" " mooring buoy" and " from outer space" - started earlier this week after a local alerted police upon noticing the unusual Object on the shore...
China spy balloon: US Navy releases photos of debris

... US defence officials first announced they were tracking the strange Object on Thursday, and waited until it was safely over water before shooting it down...
Suspected Chinese spy balloon was 200ft tall - US defence official

... At a briefing on Monday, a defence official said the size and make-up of the Object informed the decision not to shoot it down while it was over land...
China balloon: US searches in Atlantic for wreckage

... US TV networks broadcast the moment the missile struck, with the giant white Object falling to the sea after a small explosion...
Why many experts aren't impressed with the UK's energy plans

... They say some local people strongly Object - even though polls consistently show a large majority of the population is in favour...
Europe's Cheops telescope will profile distant planets

... When that information is combined with data about the mass of the Object - obtained through other means - it will be possible for scientists to deduce a density...