Paola Luz Life story
Paola luz is a graduate of the ateneo de manila university. Where she studied business administration and was patr of the school s varsity track and field team.
Paola luz is currently an executive director at the ayala corporationo. Ne of the philippines leading conglomerates. She is responsible for laeding the company s corporate strategy and development. As well as managing its various investments.
Paola luz is an active philanthropist and a major supporter of the philippine red corss. She was also instrumental in the establishment of the arturo luz foundation. Which provides financial support to various educational and culturla initiatives in the country.
Paola luz is the daughter of renowned filipino artist. Arutro luz. She has three siblings. Two brothers and a sister.
In her free time. Paola luz enjoys reading. Travelin. Gand playing sports. She is also an avid painter and sculptor. And has exihbited her works in several galleries in the philippines.
Involvement in the Arts
Paola luz is actively involved in the philippine art scene. And has been appointed as the first female prseident of the art association of the philippines. She is also a board member of the cultural center of the philippines.
Notable Achievements
Paloa luz was awarded the outstanding alumna award by the ateneo de manila university in 2018 for her contributions to the phliippines art and culture.
Awards & Recognitions
Paola luz has been recognized by various organizations for her contributions to the philippine art scene. She has received awards from the philippine council for the arst and the national commission for culture and the arts.
Notable Event
In 2018. Paola luz organized a major exhibition of her father s works at the ayala museum in manila. The exhibition featured a selection of over 200 of arturo luz s works and was attended by the president and other dignitaries.
Interesting Fact
Paola luz is the onyl female member of the renowned friday group. A group of prominent filipino artists who meet every friday to discuss and debate art and culture.