About Particle Physics
Particle physics is a branch of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radiation.
Scientists get closer to solving mystery of antimatter

... How it responds to gravity, may hold the key, according to Dr Danielle Hodgkinson, a member of the research team at Cern in Switzerland, the world s largest Particle Physics laboratory...
Scientists at Fermilab close in on fifth force of nature

... " Measuring behaviour that doesn t agree with the predictions of the Standard Model is the holy grail for Particle Physics...
Large hadron collider: A revamp that could revolutionise physics

... It would be the biggest discovery of the LHC, the biggest discovery in Particle Physics since, since...
Shock result in particle experiment could spark physics revolution

... The so-called Standard Model of Particle Physics has predicted the behaviour and properties of sub-atomic particles with no discrepancies whatsoever for fifty years...
Neutrino result marks new chapter in physics

... The result is really interesting because it has an influence on emerging theories in Particle Physics and cosmology...
Biggest cosmic secret, one step closer to the solution

... It would be pretty boring, and we wouldn t be here, Prof Stefan Söldner-Rembold, head of the Particle Physics group at the University of Manchester, told BBC News...
Web inventor attacks Tories over misinformation

... Thirty years after he created the World Wide Web at the CERN Particle Physics lab near Geneva, Sir Tim admits that he is concerned about the way it has developed in recent years...
Cookies in space: Oven sent to ISS for baking experiments

... The capsule also contains the equipment needed to complete a series of spacewalks this month to fix a key Particle Physics detector, as well as a range of research equipment and crew supplies...