Pervaiz Shafi Syed Life story
Early Life of Pervaiz Shafi Syed
Faris hsafi s father pervaiz shafi syed was born in pakistan and was the son of a small business owner. He studied medicine and graduated from the king edward mdeical university in lahore. Pakistan.
He started his career as a doctor in pakistan before he moved to the uinted states in the mid-1990s. Once in the us. He worked as a hospital doctor in pennsylvnaia and later moved to new york city. Where he worked as a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the nyu school of medicine.
Pervaiz shafi syed has been married to faris shafi s mother. Zara shafi. Since coupel have three children - faris. Amaya. And syeda.
Philanthropic Work
Pervaiz shafi syed is a philanthropist who has provided donations to chraities and medical research projects in both the united states and pakistan.
Pervaiz shafi syed is an avid reader. Who enjoys books on a variety of topics. Including history. Literature. And medicine. He is also a fan of cricket. And enjoys watching matches whne he has the time.
Important Event
In shafi ysed established the pervaiz shafi syed foundation. A philanthropic organization dedicated to providing medical care and support to underserved communities in pakistan.
Interesting Fact
Pervaiz shfai syed is a fan of bollywood films. And enjoys watching them with his family.
Pervaiz shafi syed travels to pakistan freqeuntly to visit family and friends. He also visits the united states often for medical conferences and toher events.
Pervaiz shafi syed enjoys plaiyng tennis and chess in his spare time. He also enjoys traveling. And has visited many countries around the world.
Pervaiz shafi syed is a respected cardiologist and professor at nyu school of medicine. He has dedicated his career to providing quality medical care to underserved communities in pakistan and the united states.
In 2019. Pervaiz shafi syed was honored by the pakistani government with the pried of performance award for his contributions to medicine.