About Peter Johnson
Whistleblowing banker who went to prison speaks out

... I felt like I d let him down, " Peter Johnson told the BBC, as he struggled to compose himself...
Interest rate 'rigging' evidence 'covered up' by banks

... " I uncovered extracts from the transcript of an interview given by Barclays cash trader Peter Johnson whilst researching a book I have written about the secret history of the interest rate rigging scandal...
Inside the UK's Mormon missionary boot camp

... " Peter Johnson, president of the Church s Manchester mission and responsible for Rebekah and her fellow missionaries, says the strict missionary standards " help them to be more productive"...
The whistleblowing bankers who were sent to jail

... Leaked audio recordings reveal Peter Johnson and Colin Bermingham alerted the US central bank to a fraud that the tapes suggest was directed from the top of the financial system...
'I lost my dad to prostate cancer, don't lose yours'

... Prof Peter Johnson, national clinical director for cancer for the NHS in England, says it s important to know how you can take further action if you are at risk...
Prostate screening could be ready in five years

... " Symptoms of prostate cancer include: Prof Peter Johnson, the national clinical director for cancer at NHS England, said better treatments had improved survival from the disease, but a screening programme for prostate cancer has proved difficult...
Coronavirus: 'Difficult' cancer care decisions

... Straining every sinew Prof Peter Johnson, clinical Director for cancer, admits the Corona Virus epidemic places a great burden on NHS resources...
Coronavirus: 'Difficult' cancer care decisions
Roisin's cancer has been stopped for 12 weeks
cancer doctors, difficult decisions have to be made to move some of the patients care during coronavirus-crisis.
The NHS says that all material should continue the treatment during the outbreak.
And a cancer hub has been through the NHS urgent surgery.
But treatments such as chemotherapy can weaken the immune system, and possibly the patient at a greater risk of Covid-19. Some of the affected were concerned.
postponed 'unbearable'Roisin Pelan is 38 and lives in Lancashire. She has incurable breast cancer, and had after taking chemotherapy tablets Every Day . Every three months you will be visited in The Hospital , you will receive the drug intravenously.
Last month she was told her chemotherapy treatment ended, for 12 weeks.
"It is appalling that you have finished the treatment, I know, keep me alive," she says.
"have this Taken Away is just unbearable. As we know, it only goes to the 12 weeks? This pandemic could be even more of a crowd. "
Nhs England has said, is confident that all essential and urgent cancer treatments must continue, but the specialists discuss with the patient whether it is riskier to go through for you or to Delay .
Dan Ruston is lying to the pills At Home for the treatment of a stomach TumorDr Jeanette Dickson, The President of The Royal College of radio, says that for the majority of patients, the treatment is continued as usual, but that it is difficult for those whose supply was interrupted.
she says staffing will also be stretched.
"it is particularly difficult for patients well to treatment until now. And it is difficult for the employees. No One knows whether we can continue to said to meet treatments in the course of This Week or next week," said Dr. Dickson.
But the doctors New Ways of working together during the outbreak.
Twenty-five-year-old Dan Ruston chemotherapy pills for the treatment of a tumor in his belly to be posted to his home in Cheshire.
"I'll take one in The Morning And One in the evening, very easy. So I don't have to brave it out there in the world," he said.
This month, new cancer hubs with multiple NHS trusts and private hospitals, market and.
The hubs to fit patients in need of urgent surgery, to surgeons about different "Covid-light" hospitals, i.e., there are fewer patients with coronavirus will be cared for there, and less chances of more vulnerable people exposed to The Virus could be. More hubs are open, it is expected over the country in The Coming weeks.
Thirty-two-year-old Louise Andrews is a patient at the Westminster and Chelsea hospital, but had a lump removed from her breast by a surgical team at The Royal Marsden Hospital.
"I was relieved. We were literally waiting by The Phone for the daily use, in the hope that someone would call to say they could fit me anywhere. Forward was so important for me. "
'Straining every sinew'Prof Peter Johnson , clinical Director for cancer, admits the Corona Virus epidemic places a great burden on NHS resources.
"But We Are straining every sinew to ensure that diagnosis and treatments can continue," he says.
"In some situations, it may be safer to Delay treatment or treatment of patients in different ways, to meet normal and clinicians and patients making such decisions. "
Prof Johnson also revealed it has pushed a sharp decline in The Number of referrals for investigation of suspected cancer and who is concerned about yourself to your GP.
Lynda Thomas , chief executive officer at Macmillan Cancer Support, said: "We know this is a very anxious time. One to three calls to our support Hotline in the last week were from patients concerned about the coronavirus.
"We Are working closely to monitor the NHS and to support this important supply is Delivered . "
cancer, coronavirus pandemic, macmillan cancer support, nhs, cheshire
Source of news: bbc.com