Peter Weiss
The new trial
Trotsky in Exile
Die Situation
Das Gespräch der drei Gehenden
Discourse on Vietnam
Notes on the Cultural Life of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
The Investigation: Oratorio in 11 Cantos
Der Turm
Das Duell
Die Besiegten
Peter Weiss
Cutting Up With Paper
Baseball's all- time goats
Longshots: The Most Unlikely Championship Teams in Baseball History
The Persecution and Assassination of Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade
El Nuevo Proceso
Füreinander sind wir Chiffren
Cinéma d'avant-garde
Diskurs uber. . . Viet Nam
The Aesthetics of Resistance
Der Schatten des Körpers des Kutschers
Wie dem Herrn Mockinpott das Leiden ausgetrieben wird
Trotsky in Exile
Die Situation
Das Gespräch der drei Gehenden
Discourse on Vietnam
Notes on the Cultural Life of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
The Investigation: Oratorio in 11 Cantos
Der Turm
Das Duell
Die Besiegten
Peter Weiss
Cutting Up With Paper
Baseball's all- time goats
Longshots: The Most Unlikely Championship Teams in Baseball History
The Persecution and Assassination of Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade
El Nuevo Proceso
Füreinander sind wir Chiffren
Cinéma d'avant-garde
Diskurs uber. . . Viet Nam
The Aesthetics of Resistance
Der Schatten des Körpers des Kutschers
Wie dem Herrn Mockinpott das Leiden ausgetrieben wird
Peter Weiss Life story
Peter Ulrich Weiss was a German writer, painter, graphic artist, and experimental filmmaker of adopted Swedish nationality. He is particularly known for his plays Marat/Sade and The Investigation and his novel The Aesthetics of Resistance.