About Phase
In physics and mathematics, the phase of a periodic function of some real variable is the relative value of that variable within the span of each full period. The phase is typically expressed as an angle, in such a scale that it varies by one full turn as the variable goes through each period.
Climate change: Is the world warming faster than expected?

... The ongoing 2023 El Niño may be releasing even more warmth than previous ones, because the world had previously been in an extended cool Phase - an opposite weather system known as La Niña...
Northstowe: The broken-promise new town built 'with no heart'

... The master developer for the first Phase – L& Q Estates – said it had " met our goals and planning obligations" and sold land for a local centre to the district council in March 2021...
Steps star Ian 'H' Watkins realises long-held art ambitions

... " I was having to think about PE kits and swimming lessons and who s fallen today with a bump on their head, who s bitten who, I went through that Phase - but now my kids are seven, they can clear up their own breakfast tray, they can dress themselves so I was in the right zone to make decisions that I wanted to kind of be creative again...
Climate change: New idea for sucking up CO2 from air shows promise

... This advance applies this technology to the gas Phase - a new idea...
Comic-Con: Boseman honoured as Black Panther: Wakanda Forever trailer unveiled

... Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige confirmed during the session that the current cycle of Marvel films - Phase 4 - would end with Wakanda Forever on 11 November this year...
Keir Starmer's search for a vision goes on

... " The three stages of leadershipGiven the electoral mountain to climb, those who supported the Starmer leadership from the outset say his intention had always been to ascend the slippery political slopes in three Phases...
Viewpoint: Putin now faces only different kinds of defeat

... And the war has moved into a different military Phase - a struggle in more open country, during better weather, with tanks, mechanised infantry and, above all, artillery - designed to devastate an opponent s defence lines before armoured forces sweep in...
Covid: How we already understand long-term vaccine safety

... We know that any reactions associated with this Phase - known as the innate Phase - will happen within hours or a couple of days, including the most common side effects, a sore arm, temperature and other mild flu-like symptoms...