About Physical Education
Physical education, also known as Phys Ed. , PE and in some Commonwealth countries as physical training or PT, is a class that pupils are required to take at school. It is taken during primary and secondary education and encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting to promote health.
Drop in how many girls like PE, Youth Sport Trust study suggests

... A Department for Education official said its plans for improving girls access to sport included encouraging schools to offer a minimum of two hours of Physical Education a week...
Linda Sharp: The pioneer woman surfer in a sea of men

... Until then she had always been away studying at Nonington College of Physical Education in Kent when competitions were held...
Cuts to PE hours should be immediate national concern, say charity

...By Dan RoanBBC sports editorCuts to the number of hours England s secondary school pupils spend doing Physical Education and sport " should be a matter of immediate national concern" the Youth Sport Trust says...
China crackdown pushes LGBT groups into the shadows

... The ministry called on schools to fully reform their offerings on Physical Education and strengthen their recruitment of teachers...
Cambridge University's Jason Arday becomes youngest black professor

... He then studied Physical Education and Education Studies at the University of Surrey before training as a PE teacher...
New US childhood obesity guidelines criticised by families

... Tracy is upset - she s just received the news that Jaelynn s school is getting rid of the Physical Education class and replacing it with a health course taught in the classroom...
Education: New Wales GCSEs to put less emphasis on exams

... " The qualifications watchdog is asking for views on the content of 26 GCSEs, including food and nutrition, health and Physical Education, engineering, and film and digital media...
Covid closures still affecting 400 million pupils - Unicef

... " Elin added she was missing subjects such as music, art and Physical Education (PE), which just were not the same online...