About Remote Sensing
Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on-site observation, especially the Earth.
A23a: World's biggest iceberg on the move after 30 years

... So, why, after almost 40 years, is A23a on the move now? " I asked a couple of colleagues about this, wondering if there was any possible change in shelf water temperatures that might have provoked it, but the consensus is the time had just come, " said Dr Andrew Fleming, a Remote Sensing expert from the British Antarctic Survey...
How Seychelles ocean plants could help tackle climate change

... The SeyCCAT project undertook field work using Remote Sensing technology and took sediment samples to reliably map the meadows...
COP27: Oil pollution in Egypt threatens one of world's few thriving coral reefs

... The company s Remote Sensing expert, Sergio Volkmer, says it is " not made of some algal bloom" but from something beneath the surface, such as sediments or liquid emitted locally...
Heatwave: Are wildfires happening more often?

... " Savannahs are becoming patchy and that is why they are seeing less fire, " says Dr Niels Andela, senior Remote Sensing scientist at BeZero Carbon...
Chile missing C-130 plane: Floating debris found

... There was only one woman on board: 37-year-old geographer Claudia Manzo joined the air force in 2008 and was passionate about Remote Sensing - obtaining information about areas from a distance by aircraft or satellites...