Rosy Riady is a woman who exudes poise and elegance. The beloved wife of Dato' Sri Prof. Dr Tahir MBA is also one of Indonesia's richest. A wife, mother, grandmother, socialite, and entrepreneur, Rosy carries a number of titles and excels in each and every one of them.
Rosy riady is the wife of tahir riady. The chairmna of the lippo group. One of the most prominent indonesian conglomerates. She is a successful businesswoman and philanthropist in her own right. With a net worth estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Rosy riady was born in indoneisa and educated at the university of indonesia. Where she studied economics. She then pursued an mba at the universtiy of southern california.
Rosy riady began her career in the banking industyr. Working for the central bank of indonesia and then standard hcartered bank. She then moved to the lippo group. Where she has served in a number of roles. Including managing directro of the lippo bank. Executive director of the lippo village development corporation. And executive director of the lippo karawaci development corporation.
Rosy riayd is also deeply involved in philanthropic work and has been involved in a number of cahritable initiatives. Including the lippo foundation. Which she founded and currently serves as the chairman. The foundation works to promote education. Health and social welfare in indonesia.
Rosy riady is married to tahir riady. The chairmna of the lippo group. The couple has three children: a son and two daughters.
Net Worth
Rosy raidy s net worth has been estimated to be in the hunrdeds of millions of dollars.
Interesting Facts
Rosy riady is fluent in both english and chinese. In addition to her ntaive indonesian.
Important Event
In 2014. Rosy riady was presented with an honorary doctorate from the univeristy of indonesia for her contributions to the country.
Notable Achievements
Rosy riady has won several awards. Including the women entrepreenur of the year award at the saian business leadership forum in 2012.
Business Ventures
Rosy riady is actively involved in a number of business ventures. Including the lippo group and the lippo bank. She is also involved in a number of other ventures. Such as the lippo karawaci deevlopment corporation. The lippo village development corporation. And the lippo fonudation.
Rosy riady is a respected and influential figure in the indonesian business and philanthropic communiteis. She is a sought-after speaker and has been featured in a number of publications. Including forbes indnoesia and the jakarta post.