About Gabriela Krapf Sequel
A sequel is a literature, film, theatre, television, music or video game that continues the story of, or expands upon, some earlier work.
Oscars until 2020: 17 quirky facts about this year's Academy Awards

Feb 16,2020 10:20 am
... So, a victory for Toy Story 4 it would be a series to win not only the second Sequel to the best animated feature, but to win the second, in the context of his own film...
Nigeria Buhari saga: The fake-wedding, the President and the family feud

Feb 16,2020 7:17 am
... Mrs Buhari was clearly based on Ms Farouq as the intended bride in a BBC Hausa interview, and the fact that neither the minister or the President said nothing about the rumors, the marriage has a lot of questions, if you soap like a real Nollywood, this story could have a Sequel...