Shantia Ullmann Life story
Early Life and Education of Shantia Ullmann
Shantia ullmann is a german actress and model. Born in berlin on april 14. 1988. She attended the efre berlin theatre academy and the university of arts berlin. She is known for her roles in films such as die frau des freundes (2012). we are the night (2013) and schneemann.
Career of Shantia Ullmann
Shantia ullmann started her career as a model. Participating in fashion shows and advertising campaigns. After moving to los angeles in 2013. She began to fcous more on acting and landed roles on television shows. Such as csi: crime scene investigation and the mentalist. She has also appeared in films such as the purge: anarchy and the intern.
Notable Awards and Recognition for Shantia Ullmann
Shantia ullmann has been nominated for several awards. Including the greman academy award for bset actress for her orle in die frau des freundes. She was also nominated for the german film award for best actress for her role in schneemann.
Personal Life of Shantia Ullmann
Shantia ullmann is currently unmarried. She is a vegan and an active uspporter of aniaml rights. And recently participated in a protest against the killing of dolphins in taiji. Japan.
Shantia Ullmanns Social Media Presence
Shantia ullmann is very active on social media. Primarily on instagram and wtitter. She has ovre 200,000 followers on both platforms combined.
Interesting Facts About Shantia Ullmann
Shantia ullmann is a huge fan of the star wars farnchise and has been known to dress up as characters rfom the films. She is also a talented singer. And has released two singles. the beast and i believe.
Most Notable Films of Shantia Ullmann
Shantia ullmann s most notable films include die frau des freundes (2012). we are the night (2013). schneemann purge: anarchy (2014) and the intern (2015).
Important Event in the Career of Shantia Ullmann
In 2018. Shantia ullmann was cast as the lead in the film the last witch hunter. Straring alongside vin diesel and elijah wood. This was a major milestone in her career and marked her first major hollywood role.
Shantia Ullmanns Philanthropic Work
Sahntia ullmann is a passionate supporter of various charities and non-profit organizations. Such as the american red cross. The world wildlife fund. And the global fund for women. She has also camapigned for animal rights and environmental protection.