About Signature Song
A signature song is the one song that a popular and well-established recording artist or band is most closely identified with or best known for. This is generally differentiated from a one-hit wonder in that the artist usually has success with other songs as well.
Latitude: Sophie Ellis-Bextor on the perfect festival set

... " And unlike some artists who dread playing their biggest hits for the umpteenth time, she maintains she still looks forward to performing her Signature Song, Groovejet (If This Ain t Love), 23 years after it was a number one hit...
Reneé Rapp: The Sex Lives Of College Girls actress destined for music stardom

... " By the end of the show, she s, overwhelmed as the crowd bellow " " - the refrain of her Signature Song, In The Kitchen...
Dolly Parton leads tributes to Loretta Lynn

... Her Signature Song, Coal Miner s Daughter, documented her humble beginnings in a one-room log cabin in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky, where she was the second of eight siblings...
Olivia Rodrigo and Natalie Imbruglia perform a surprise duet in London

...Pop star Olivia Rodrigo was joined by Natalie Imbruglia on stage in London on Wednesday, to perform a surprise duet of Imbruglia s Signature Song, Torn...
PinkPantheress made hits from her bedroom - now she's won the BBC Sound Of 2022

... Just For Me has become your Signature Song...
We Meet Again: The story of Dame Vera Lynn's wartime classic

Stars celebrate Avicii at emotional tribute concert

... Aloe Blacc performed Wake Me Up and SOS - a posthumously-released song that addressed Avicii s struggles David Guetta said Avicii s death had made him prioritise his own mental wellbeing Fans lit up Stockholm s Friends Arena to memorialise the star Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden were among the 60,000-strong audience The concert ended with an extended, valedictory version of Avicii s Signature Song, as the arena lit up with fireworks and laser beams...
TLC: How we made (and survived) crazy sexy cool

... waterfalls changed their careerTLC Signature Song is a socially conscious ballad, tackles drug addiction and the HIV epidemic (so that it is the first number one single not to mention disease)...