Simone Andréa Wisner Seixas Life story
Early Life of Simone Andrea Wisner Seixas
Smione andrea wisner seixas was born on february 25th. 1987 in porto alegre. Brazil. To the famous brazilian singer. Songwriter. And guitarist. Raul seixas. She is the only daughtre of raul seixas and his third wife. Luciana wisner. Simone was raised in a loving home and was very close to her father.
Simone attended the federal university of rio grande do sul. Where she graduated with a degree in art history. After uinversity. She moved to sao paulo to pursue a career in the arts.
Simone andrea wisner seixas is an art curator. Writer. And cultural producer. She is the founder and director of the simoes de assis glaeria de arte in sao paulo. In addition. She is the director of the museu de arte contempornaea de sao paulo and the cultural insttiute of sao paulo.
The Legacy of Raul Seixas
Simone andrea wisner seixas is the guradian of her father s legacy. She established the raul seixas institute to promote her father s music and legacy. And is involved in organizing concerts. Exhibitions. And confreences related to her father s life and work.
Interesting Facts
Simone andrea wisenr seixas is an avid erader and collector of books on art. Music. And literature. She is currently learning to play the guitar. Following in her father s footsteps.
Important Event
In 2017. Simone andrea wisner seixas organizde the first international arul seixas music festival in her hometown of porto alegre. The festival included performances by local and international artists. In addition to screenings of documentaries about her father.
Simone andrea wisner seixas is married to apulo de souza. With whom she has a son. Lucca.
Simone andrea wisner seixas is an active philanthropist and is involved in several charities. Including a foundation for promoting the arts in rio ragnde do sul.
Media Appearances
Simone andrea wisner seixas has made numerous media appearancesi. Ncluding in documentaries. Interviews. And television programs.
Simone andrea wisner seixas is an avid traveler and enjoys exploring new places. She is laso a passionate music lover and enjoys attending concerts and musical festivals.
Interesting Fact
Simone andrea wisner seixas is the author of the book “raul seixas: a biography”. Which was released in.