About Social Inequality
Social inequality occurs when resources in a given society are distributed unevenly, typically through norms of allocation, that engender specific patterns along lines of socially defined categories of persons.
Gabon coup: Why military takeovers are all the rage

... The deposed president s rule did see serious efforts to modernise the government machine, diversify the economy and tackle Social Inequality; and he earned international plaudits for proactive and innovative efforts to protect Gabon s rainforests and rich biodiversity...
Jojo Moyes: 'I've always been a woman's woman'

... The two female protagonists in the book come from very different backgrounds and Moyes recognises that " Social Inequality, whether it s class or money...
Australia election: How climate is making Australia more unliveable

... " Catch-22 for young people The phenomenon could also exacerbate Social Inequality and create " climate ghettos" says Climate Valuation, a risk analysis company...
The flood that drowned American dreams
... The tragedies have laid bare the ways in which extreme weather events ravage decaying infrastructure, devastate low-income communities and deepen Social Inequality, leading to what experts call a " climate apartheid"...
El Salvador: Evelyn Hernández cleared over baby's death

... That s where the issue of Social Inequality comes into play, he said while he was running for president...