About Social Work
Social work is an academic discipline and profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being.
My pre-death grief over husband's dementia

... Despite this profound ongoing trauma, Marion says that Social Work and the health service did not offer her any emotional support...
Bodies of Lianne, Noiya and Yahel Sharabi were found 'cuddled together'

... She wanted to make a career in Social Work...
In Gaza, wounded children with no surviving family

... Some of this is done through an inter-country Social Work team who undertake assessments of family members overseas to see if it would be in the child s best interests to live with them...
Coma patient's family pay £33,000 to fly her home from Spain

... " Ms Duthie, who recently completed a degree in Social Work, said the pilot plans to fly to Dundee, their nearest airport, provided there is no rain...
Woman who couldn't read at 16 to graduate with degree

... Chloe McRoberts from Ayr will pick up her Social Work degree from Glasgow Caledonian University this week...
Jamie Aarons: Woman sets record for scaling Scotland's Munro mountains

... Aarons, who works as a Social Work adviser for the Scottish government, is originally from California but moved to Scotland in 2005...
Most university students working paid jobs, survey shows

... The survey suggests: Second-year student Clarissa Struthers, 26, works three jobs to support herself financially while doing her degree in Social Work at the University of Hertfordshire...
Assaults, neglect and a Taser revealed in ‘deeply shocking' BBC care home investigation

... Maria says she was informed on one occasion that a member of the public - with a background in Social Work - had reported witnessing her son being strangled by staff in a minibus on a school trip...