About Stream
A stream is a body of water with surface water flowing within the bed and banks of a channel. The flow of a stream is controlled by three inputs - surface water, subsurface water and groundwater. The surface and subsurface water are highly variable between periods of rainfall.
Could X go bankrupt under Elon Musk?

... That s a fairly small revenue Stream relative to advertising, " he told me...
UK weather: Severe warnings issued ahead of Storm Ciarán - BBC Weather

... This explosive cyclongenesis is being driven by a very powerful jet Stream - winds high in the atmosphere - with speeds of around 200mph (322km/h)...
UK weather: Heat-health alert in place as temperatures to hit 32C

... The Met Office said that tropical storms in the far western Atlantic, as well as deep areas of low pressure, have helped to amplify the jet Stream - a fast wind high in the atmosphere - over the Atlantic Ocean...
Elephant corridors: The busy trunk routes where locals take care to cross

... " It used to be the most clear Stream...
UK weather: When will it stop raining and the summer improve?

... The two are linked - and crucially it s down to where the jet Stream is...
Heatwave: Is it coming to the UK? - BBC Weather

... This change was due to movement of the jet Stream - a fast wind high in the atmosphere...
Where has the summer gone? - BBC Weather

... Often the jet Stream - the flow of winds high up in the atmosphere - rushes quickly from west to east in nearly a straight line...
Satellite images show Canadian wildfire smoke over UK

... It was blown across the Atlantic Ocean through the jet Stream - a fast flowing air current in the Earth s atmosphere...