About Tablet
Tablet is a medium-hard, sugary confection from Scotland. Tablet is usually made from sugar, condensed milk, and butter, which is boiled to a soft-ball stage and allowed to crystallise. It is often flavoured with vanilla or whisky, and sometimes has nut pieces in it.
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... " He doesn t have a TV, and uses foodbanks; a local charity provides food vouchers and a hot meal - and recently it has given him a Tablet so he can access the internet...
Covid-19 pill approved in UK and post-lockdown rebound in carbon emissions

... The Tablet - molnupiravir - will be given twice a day to vulnerable patients recently diagnosed with the disease...
First pill to treat Covid gets approval in UK

... The Tablet - molnupiravir - will be given twice a day to vulnerable patients recently diagnosed with the disease...
Tech trends in 2020: a New spaceship and flexible screens

... Samsung is expected to launch more devices with flexible displays next year, possibly a Tablet...
First pill to treat Covid gets approval in UK
The First pill designed to treat symptomatic Covid has been approved by the UK medicines regulator.
The Tablet - molnupiravir - Will be given twice A Day to vulnerable patients recently diagnosed with the disease.
In clinical trials the pill, originally developed to treat flu, cut The Risk of hospitalisation or death by about half.
Health secretary Sajid Javid said The Treatment as a " gamechanger" for The Most frail and immunosuppressed.
In a statement He Said : " Today is a historic day for Our Country , as the UK is now The First country in The World to approve an antiviral that can be taken At Home for Covid. "
First oral treatmentMolnupiravir, developed by the US drug company Merck (known as MSD in the UK), is The First dedicated oral antiviral medication for Covid.
The pill is designed to introduce errors into the genetic code of The Virus , preventing it from spreading in The Body .
It works by targeting an enzyme The Virus uses to make copies of itself.
Merck said that should make it equally effective against new variants of The Virus as it evolves in The Future .
In clinical trials on 775 patients in the study found:
7. 3% of those given molnupiravir were hospitalisedthat compares with 14. 1% of patients who were given a placebo or dummy pillthere were no deaths in the molnupiravir group, but eight patients who were given a placebo in The Trial later died of CovidThe data was published in a press release and has Not Yet been peer-reviewed.
Trial results suggest molnupiravir needs to be taken early after symptoms develop to have an effect. An earlier study in patients who had already been hospitalised with severe Covid was halted after disappointing results.
Global approvalMerck is The First company to report trial results of a pill to treat Covid, but other companies are working on similar treatments.
Its US rival Pfizer has recently started late-stage trials of two different antiviral tablets, while Swiss company Roche is working on a similar medication.
Merck has said it expects to produce 10 million courses of molnupiravir by The End of 2021.