About The Exodus
The Exodus is the founding myth of the Israelites. Spread over the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, it tells the myth of the enslavement of the Israelites in Ancient Egypt, their . . .
New Zealand election: Disillusioned voters eye shift away from the left

... The Exodus of young people and immigrants from New Zealand to its larger, more prosperous neighbour is a trend commonly noted these days...
Deserted Nagorno-Karabakh reveals aftermath of lightning-fast Armenian defeat

... The Karabakh Armenians did not flee at gunpoint - there have been no confirmed reports of The Exodus being prompted by the use of force against civilians...
'They bombed everywhere': Survivors recount Karabakh attack

... They joined The Exodus of thousands of other ethnic Armenians displaced from their homes by the attack...
South Africa fire: What are Johannesburg's hijacked buildings?

... Following The Exodus of businesses, the CBD became a no-go area with a reputation for crime and violence, and some buildings were reportedly abandoned by owners as rates owed to the council exceeded their value...
Russia's new schoolbook aims to justify war on Ukraine

... At the same time, The Exodus of Western businesses from Russia in the wake of the full-scale invasion is presented as a " fantastic opportunity" for Russian businesspeople...
Migrant crisis: Tunisian fisherman finds dead bodies in his net

... While European Union officials struggle to contain The Exodus the plight of those fleeing poverty and persecution is leaving its tragic mark on the shores of Tunisia...
Myanmar: Young Burmese confront dashed dreams in exile

... The Exodus has been driven by disheartened young people looking for jobs to support their families...
CBI: Business group giant faces crunch vote to survive

... But The Exodus of fee-paying members is already being felt by the CBI...