About Third Eye
The third eye is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight.
Halloween: Artist's desi designs bridge the gap between cultures

Oct 31,2023 4:41 pm
... She says she once confronted a white girl wearing a bindi, who did not know its significance to Hindus as a Third Eye and thought it was just a " pretty" decoration...
Everything Everywhere All At Once: A guide to the references, Easter eggs and meanings

Mar 13,2023 2:31 pm
... But when she reaches the height of her powers, she deliberately places one on her forehead - an explicit reference to the spiritual tradition of the " enlightened" Third Eye...
Bageshwar Dham Sarkar: The Indian guru making headlines over 'miracle' cures

Feb 5,2023 10:01 pm
... Such performances have helped Mr Shastri gain a reputation as a " miracle worker" with his supporters claiming that " he has a Third Eye, and can peep inside your heart, mind and soul"...