About Tight Rope
Tight-rope (タイトロープ) is a completed manga at six chapters within one volume. Released in 2007 it was written by Isaku Natsume with character designs by Kazuo Watanabe. Around 4 years after the manga's completion an anime OVA series made by PrimeTime studio aired in 2012.
Earthquake levels set for review to allow fracking

Sep 22,2022 3:50 am
... A government source told the BBC there was " no doubt it is a Tight Rope to walk" and they were aware there was work to do to get local communities and some MPs on board with fracking...
Falling from train platforms: 'It was terrifying, the guide dog was screaming'

May 13,2022 2:50 pm
... " It s like a Tight Rope and you feel like your next step could be into oblivion...