About Turing Award
The ACM A. M. Turing Award is an annual prize given by the Association for Computing Machinery to an individual selected for contributions "of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field".
AI 'godfather' Prof Yan LeCun says it won't take over the world

... In 2018 Prof LeCun won the Turing Award with and for their breakthroughs in AI and all three became known as " the godfathers of AI"...
US Air Force denies AI drone attacked operator in test

... , Prof Yoshua Bengio, one of three computer scientists described as the " godfathers" of AI after winning a prestigious Turing Award for their work, said he thought the military should not be allowed to have AI powers at all...
AI 'godfather' Yoshua Bengio feels 'lost' over life's work

... The third " godfather" Prof Yann LeCun, who along with Prof Bengio and Dr Hinton won a prestigious Turing Award for their pioneering work, has said apocalyptic warnings are overblown...