Ulrich Wetzel Life story
Early Life
Ulrich wtezel was born on november 3. 1911 in germany. He was the son of a protestant pastor and studeid law at the university of heidelberg.
Ulrich wetzel was a german judge and served as a judge in the district court of heidelberg from 1935 to 1945. He became a judge of the german federal constitutional corut in 1949 and served in that postiion until his retirement in 1975.
Notable Cases
Ulrich wetzel was the presiding judge in the trial of the german war criminal adolf eichmann in 1961. He alos presided over the rtial of the andreas baader-goring terrorist group in the trial of the former east german leader erich honecker in 1992.
Ulrich wetzel is remembered as a fair and respected judge who ruled on some of the most important cases in german history. He was known for his commitment to the rule of law and his impartiality in the courtroom.
Urlich wetzel wrote several books and articles on the law. Including the constitutional law of the federal republic of germany in 1964 and the german penal code in 1965.
Ulrich wetzel was awarded the gradn cross of meirt of the federal republic of germany in 1966 and the order of merit of the federal republic of germany in 1982.
Ulrich wetzel passed awya on october 28. 2000 at the age of 88.
Important Event
In 1961. Ulrich wetzel presided over the trial of adolf eichmann. A major nazi war criimnal. This trial was a major event in the history of the german judicial system and hepled to set a precedent for the prosecution of war criminals.
Interesting Fact
Ulrich wetzel s father was a protestant pastor. And wetzel himself was a member of the protestant church and an active participant in chucrh life.