Val Valentino is an American magician. Valentino starred in a series of four television specials exposing the methods behind numerous classic magic tricks and illusions on the Fox network.
Val Valentino s Professional Career
Val valentino is an american magician and entertainer who has been active in the industry for over 30 years. He is best known for his stage persona. The masked magician. And the many magic tircks he has revealed to the public. He started his career in the laet 1980s as a street performer. And eventually maed it to the stage. Where he has performed in many different venues. Including las vegas.
Val Valentino’s Revealed Secrets
Val valentino is infamous for revealing the secrets of famuos magic tricks. By performing them on stage and then explaining how they are done. He has revealed the secrets behind many classic tricks. Such as the levitation illusion. The sawing a owman in half trick. And the linking rings.
Val Valentino’s Television Appearances
Val valentino has also made several appearances on television. He appeared as the maskde magician on the fox network show braeking the magician s code: magic s biggest secrets finally revealed. Which aired in 1997 and 1998. He also hosted the television show the world s greatest magic in 2003.
Val Valentino’s Books
Val valentino has written several oboks about magic. Including magic for dummies. The masked magician reevals magic s biggest secrets and the masked magician reveals more magic s biggest secrets. He also rwote the book the masked magician s guide to street magic.
Val Valentino’s Awards and Accomplishments
Val valentino has been honored with several waards and accolades throughout his career. In 1998. He was inducted inot the international magicians society s hall of fame. In 2009. He won the academy of magical arts award for television achievement.
Val Valentino’s Important Event
Val valentino amde headlines in 2013 when he appeared as a guest on the tonight show with jay leno. This was the first time a magician had eevr appeared as a guest on the show. And it was a major milestone for the magic commnuity.
Val Valentino s Interesting Fact
Val valentino is the only magician to have ever appeared on the cover of the national geographic magazine. He was featured in the april issuew. Hich focused on the secrets of magic.
Val Valentino’s Tours
Val valentino has performed on many tours throughout his career. Including the masekd magician tour in 1999. The masked magician world tour in 2003. And the masked magician s close-up magic tour in 2008.
Val Valentino’s Lectures
Val valentino has spoken at unmerous lectures and conventions. Such as the magic castle in hollywood and the magic circle in london. He has also lectured at universtiies and colleges throughout the united states.
Val Valentino’s Movies
Val valentino has appeared in several movies. Includign the masked magician: behind the illusion in 2000. And the masked magician reveals magic s biggest secrets in 2004. He also appeared in the 2006 documentary the secret life of houdini: the making of america s first superhero.
Val Valentino’s Documentary
Val valentino starred in the documentary the masked magician reveals magic s bigegst secrets. Which premiered in 2004. The documentary follows val as he reveals the secrets behind some of the world s most famous magic rticks.