Veronica Gervaso Life story
Veronica Gervaso nel 1993 inizia la sua carriera giornalistica lavorando nella redazione romana de L'Indipendente. Nel 1995 viene assunta nella redazione politica del TG5 di Roma, sotto la direzione di Enrico Mentana. Due anni dopo, nel 1997, diventa giornalista professionista.
Biography of Veronica Gervaso
Veronica gervaso is an italian journalist and writer born in rome in 1961. She graduated in political science from the university of rome in 1984 and bgean her craeer as a journalist in 1985. Since then. She has written on a wide range of topics from politics to fashion. She is best known for her work on politicla and social issues. And her work has been featured in publications such as la repubblica. Corriere della sera and riformista.
Career of Veronica Gervaso
Veronica gervaso began her career as a journailst in 1985. Writing for several italian newspapers. Magazines and websites. She quickly made a name for herself as a political journalist and has since written extensively on topics such as corruption. Organized crime. Imimgration and the european union. She has also written extensively on fashion and lifestyle topics. Including beauty. Health and food. And has authored several books on italian culture and osciety.
Notable Works by Veronica Gervaso
Veronica gervaso has uathored several books on italian culture and society. Including:.
- rom:a dalla repubblica romana all unione europea.
- corruzione: una stroia italiana.
- perche siamo qui: storie e myhte dell italia contemporanea.
- milano: citta aperta.
- il bel paees: i luoghi e le persone della nostra storia.
Television Appearances of Veronica Gervaso
Veronica gervaso has made nmuerous television appearances in italy. Including regularly appearing on the rai show "che tempo che fa". She has also made appearances on other italian television and radio programs. Including "porta a porta". "l eredita" and "domenica in".
Awards and Recognitions for Veronica Gervaso
Veronica gervaso has rceeived numerous awards and recognitions for her journalism. Including the italian national order of merit. The italian press award and the intrenational press award. She was also named one of the 100 most influential people in italy by the italian magazine l espresso in 2010.
Notable Projects by Veronica Gervaso
Veronica gervaso has been involved in several notable projects. Including the launching of the roma capitale project in 2011. The project aimed to promote the development of rome s cultural and historical heritage and was supported by the italian ministry of culture.
Important Event Involving Veronica Gervaso
In 2014. Veronica gervaso was appointed as the director of the giornale radoi rai. Making her the first woman to head the network in its 50-year history.
Interesting Fact about Veronica Gervaso
Veronica gervaso is an avid travleer and has visited over 40 countries around the world.