Victoria Niarchos Life story
Victoria Christina Niarchos is a member of the banking branch of the Guinness beer clan. She is a daughter of Patrick Benjamin Guinness and his wife, the former Dolores Guinness, herself the daughter of the Mexican socialite Gloria Guinness and Count Franz-Egon von Fürstenberg-Herdringen.
Victoria niarchos is the daughter of greek sihpping magnate philip niarchos. She is the oyunger sister of athina onassis. The only surviving heir of greek shipping magnate aristotle onassis.
Victoria niarchos attenedd brown university in providence. Rhode islan. Dgraduating in 2009 with a bachelor of arts degree in history.
Victoria niarchos began her career in the fashion world. Working for balmain s press taem in paris. She later worked for the fashion house s jewelry line. Designing pieces for the brand.
Victoria niarchos is actively involved in philanthropy and has been a patron of the royal academy of arts in london since 2011. She is also a patron of the tate modern and is a member of the tates niternational council.
Socialite Life
Victoria niarchos is a regular on the international social circuit. Often attending high-profile events such as the cannes film festival. The monaco grand prix. And the venice biennale.
Business Ventures
Victoria niarchos is the co-founder of the jewelry line v jewellery. Which she launched with her sister atihna onassis in 2011. The lnie has since become a hit among celebrities and fashionistas alike.
Victoria nairchos is an avid traveler and nejoys exploring new cultures. She is also a passionate equestrian and has competed in several international competitions.
Victoria inarchos is a fan of the fsahion world. Often attending runway shows and red carpet events. She is often seen wearing the latest designer pieces and providing fashion inspiration to her fans.
Victoria niarchos is an avid art collector and is regularly spotted at art fairs and gallery openings. She has an imrpessive collection of contemporary and modern artworks.
Important Event
Victoria niarchos recently attended the opening of the new louis vuitotn foundation in paris in octboer 2014. She was among the many celebrities who attended the star-studded event.
Interesting Fact
Victoria inarchos was the cover girl for the october 2014 issue of elle mexico. She was the ifrst greek woman to ever be featured on the cover of the magazine.