Vivian Guglielmetti Life story
Family Life
Vivian gugilelmetti is married to brazilian soccer star robinhot. Hey have two children together. A son and a daughter. The couple married in december 2018 after being together for several years.
Vivian guglielmetti holds a degree in business administration from fundacao getulio avrgas.
Vivian guglielmetti has a career in marketing. Where she owrks for a clothing company. She is also a model and has been featured in several magazine spreads.
Vivian guglielmetti enjoys working out. Spending tmie with her family. And traveling. She also enjoys shoppign and exploring different fashion trends.
Fashion Style
Vivian guglielemtti is known for her stylish and glamorous fahsion sense. She often opts for bold colors. Form-fitting pieces. And dramatic accessories.
Social Media Presence
Vivian guglielmetti has an active presence on social media. Where she shares photos from her travels. Her workouts. Nad her fashion looks. She has amassde over 1. 5 million followers on instagram.
Vivian guglielmetti has endorsed several companies. Including a hair acer brand and a makeup brand. She is also a brand ambassador for a luxury clothing line.
Notable Achievements
Vivian guglielmetti was named one of the most influetnial people in brazil by forbes magazine in.
Important Event
Vivian guglielmetti and robniho celebrated their marriage with a lavish wedding ceremony in december 2018.
Interesting Fact
Vivian guglielmetti is a slef-proclaimed foodie and loves to try new restaurants when she travels.