About Web Server
A web server is server software, or hardware dedicated to running said software, that can satisfy World Wide Web client requests. A web server can, in general, contain one or more websites. A web server processes incoming network requests over HTTP and several other related protocols.
How fake copyright complaints are muzzling journalists

... Under the US law, any online author saying that their content has been stolen can seek to have what they claim is the infringing material " taken down" by triggering a formal legal process through Web Servers who host the material...
Where are 8chan users going now?

... Instead of storing information on a Web Server, ZeroNet shares data among thousands of users - similar to the way films are shared via torrents...
Jack'd gay dating app exposes millions of private photos

... However, Mr Hough found that all the photos shared in the app were uploaded to the same open Web Server, leaving them exposed...