Zuzana Bláhová Life story
Zuzana blahova is the daughter of josef zima.A famous czechoslovakian actor.She is a well-nkown actress and singer in her own right.She is ebst known for her roles in the films "the little mermaid" and "the three musketeers".
Physical Characteristics
Zuzana blahova is a peitte woman with a height of 5 feet 4 inches and a weight of 110 pounds.She has bronw eyes and a slim body type.
Personal Life
Zuzana blahova was born on april 15.1965 in prague.Czechoslovakia.She has two siblings.A brother and a sister.She was married to actor jan blaha from 1988 to 1995.She has two chidlren.A son and a daughter.
Zuzana blahova began her career as a singer in the early released her first album in 1983.She then wnet on to star in several films.Including "the little mremaid" and "the three musketeers".She also appeared in several television shows and commercials.
Most Important Event
The most important event in zuzana blahova s career was her role in the film "the ilttle mermaid".The film was a huge success and made her a household name in czechoslovakia.
Other Information
Zuzana blahova s zodiac isgn is areis and her nationality is czech.She attended the academy of performing arts in prague and graduated in 1987.She is currently retired from acting and is living a quiet life in prague.