

Chandler Muriel Bing is a fictional character from the NBC sitcom Friends, portrayed by Matthew Perry. Chandler was born to Nora Tyler Bing, an erotic romance novelist, and Charles Bing, a gay female impersonator and star of a Las Vegas drag show called "Viva Las Gay-gas" as Helena Handbasket.

People born in Chandler (First 17 people) - Page 1

Paul Daraîche

Paul Daraîche

Musical artist

Mathieu Garon

Mathieu Garon

Ice hockey goaltender

John Kawaja

John Kawaja

Debbe Leftwich

Debbe Leftwich


Sam P. Gilstrap

Sam P. Gilstrap


Chuck McMurtry

Chuck McMurtry

American football player

Roy Harris

Roy Harris

American composer

Wade Ellis

Wade Ellis

American mathematics educator

Ralph Yarborough

Ralph Yarborough

Former member of the United States Senate

Tom Oliver

Tom Oliver


Nick Harvey

Nick Harvey

British Politician

James W. Huffman

James W. Huffman

Former United States Senator

Iolas Huffman

Iolas Huffman

American football player

Scott W. Lucas

Scott W. Lucas

Former member of the U. S. Senate

Scott Wike Lucas

Scott Wike Lucas

Former member of the U.S. Senate

Diane Lebouthillier

Diane Lebouthillier

Minister of National Revenue of Canada

La Bolduc

La Bolduc
