

Rain is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by Amanah Surga Productions that airs daily on SCTV. The cast includes Cassandra Sheryl Lee, Randy Martin, Stefhanie Zamora Husen, Salshabilla Adriani, Endy Arfian with cameo appearances from actors from Indonesian films and television.

People born in Rain (First 49 people) - Page 14

Hedley Donovan

Hedley Donovan

Phil Mattson

Phil Mattson

American jazz musician

Artie Vierkant

Artie Vierkant

American digital artist

John Carlton Atherton

John Carlton Atherton

American painter

Patricia Walrath

Patricia Walrath

Former Massachusetts State Representative

Emmanuel Célestin Suhard

Emmanuel Célestin Suhard

French clergy

Priscilla Chan

Priscilla Chan

American philanthropist

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams

6th U.S. President

Jody Linscott

Jody Linscott

American session musician

Jim Calhoun

Jim Calhoun

Basketball coach

Adam Gaudette

Adam Gaudette

Ice hockey center

John F. Lundgren

John F. Lundgren

Nick Santino

Nick Santino

American musician

Elihu Adams

Elihu Adams


Sylvanus Thayer

Sylvanus Thayer


Brian Gibbons

Brian Gibbons

Movie character

Peter Kormann

Peter Kormann

Olympic athlete

Richard Salter Storrs

Richard Salter Storrs


John Hancock

John Hancock

American actor

Ralph Cox

Ralph Cox

American ice hockey player

Josiah Quincy I

Josiah Quincy I


Nelson Hayward

Nelson Hayward

Former Mayor of Cleveland

Brian Eklund

Brian Eklund

Ice hockey player

Joseph R. Driscoll

Joseph R. Driscoll

Former Massachusetts State Representative

Robert Taft, 2nd

Robert Taft, 2nd


Zabdiel Adams

Zabdiel Adams


Mary Pennington

Mary Pennington

Visual artist

Daniel Quincy

Daniel Quincy


Nathaniel B. Wales

Nathaniel B. Wales


Katharine O'Shea

Katharine O'Shea



British DJ

Sally Burton

Sally Burton


Liam Howlett

Liam Howlett

Record producer

Edward Bawden

Edward Bawden


Denis Wick

Denis Wick

Robin Briggs

Robin Briggs


Vince Newsome

Vince Newsome

Former American football player

Iain Mackay

Iain Mackay

British field hockey player

Garry Nelson

Garry Nelson

English footballer

Paul Whybrew

Paul Whybrew

James Challis

James Challis

Film actor

kitty o'shea

kitty o'shea


George Lukin

George Lukin

Guy Ruggles-Brise

Guy Ruggles-Brise

Military personnel

John Courtauld

John Courtauld

Former Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom

Jefferson P. Kidder

Jefferson P. Kidder

Former United States Representative

Roman Bochkur

Roman Bochkur

Ukrainian football player

Taras Barshchovskyi

Taras Barshchovskyi


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