

Precious Hearts Romances Presents: Paraiso is a 2012 Philippine drama television series under Precious Hearts Romances based on pocketbook novel Isla Sanctuario created by Dawn Igloria, and directed by Connie Macatuno, Nico Hernandez, and Rechie A. Del Carmen.

People born in Paraiso (First 49 people) - Page 3

Claudia Barattini

Claudia Barattini

Former Minister of the National Council of Culture and the Arts of Chile

Edmundo Eluchans Urenda

Edmundo Eluchans Urenda

Chilean lawyer

Eduardo Cavieres Figueroa

Eduardo Cavieres Figueroa

Chilean historian

Elías Figueroa

Elías Figueroa

Uruguayan footballer

Enrique Orozimbo Barbosa Baeza

Enrique Orozimbo Barbosa Baeza

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile

Franz Schultz

Franz Schultz

Chilean football player

Gonzalo Duarte García de Cortázar

Gonzalo Duarte García de Cortázar

Gustavo Lorca

Gustavo Lorca

Former Mayor of Viña del Mar

Joel Soto

Joel Soto

Chilean footballer

Jorge Rodríguez Grossi

Jorge Rodríguez Grossi

Chilean economist

Carlos Casanueva

Carlos Casanueva


Fernando Martínez Vidal

Fernando Martínez Vidal

Jorge Swett Madge

Jorge Swett Madge

Julio Videla

Julio Videla

Chilean television host

Kenneth Pugh

Kenneth Pugh

Senator of the Republic of Chile

Kevin Flores

Kevin Flores

Football player

Eduardo CruzCoke

Eduardo CruzCoke

Chilean Political figure

Laura Soto

Laura Soto

Former Senator of the Republic of Chile

Leo Caprile

Leo Caprile

Chilean radio personality

Leonardo Véliz

Leonardo Véliz

Chilean footballer

Luis Figueroa Mazuela

Luis Figueroa Mazuela

Former Minister of Labor and Social Security in Chile

Luis Guastavino

Luis Guastavino

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Luis Marín

Luis Marín

Chilean goalkeeper

Luis Mizón

Luis Mizón

Chilean poet

Jorge Aedo

Jorge Aedo

Television presenter

Manfred Max-Neef

Manfred Max-Neef

Chilean economist

Manuel Camilo Vial

Manuel Camilo Vial

Chilean Politician

Marcelo Chávez Velásquez

Marcelo Chávez Velásquez

Chilean politician

Hernán Ramírez Necochea

Hernán Ramírez Necochea

Chilean historian

María Dalmazzo

María Dalmazzo

Colombian actress

Adriana Olguín

Adriana Olguín

Former Interim Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Chile

Matías Novoa

Matías Novoa


Nino García

Nino García

Musical artist

Omar Saavedra

Omar Saavedra


Óscar Cristi

Óscar Cristi

Chilean police officer

Amalia Pérez Díaz

Amalia Pérez Díaz

Carlos Künsemüller

Carlos Künsemüller


Claudio Núñez

Claudio Núñez

Chilean footballer

Hernán Hormazábal Malarée

Hernán Hormazábal Malarée

Chilean lawyer

Rafael Frontaura

Rafael Frontaura

Chilean actor

Ramón Allende Padín (Ramón Allende)

Ramón Allende Padín (Ramón Allende)

Chilean physician

Renato Zanelli

Renato Zanelli

Chilean baritone

tanya zea roberto rey

tanya zea roberto rey


Sebastián Alarcón

Sebastián Alarcón

Chilean film director

Chito Faró

Chito Faró


Jorge Bermúdez Soto

Jorge Bermúdez Soto

Chilean lawyer

Sergio Sauvalle

Sergio Sauvalle


Patricio Artiagoitía

Patricio Artiagoitía


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