

Precious Hearts Romances Presents: Paraiso is a 2012 Philippine drama television series under Precious Hearts Romances based on pocketbook novel Isla Sanctuario created by Dawn Igloria, and directed by Connie Macatuno, Nico Hernandez, and Rechie A. Del Carmen.

People born in Paraiso (First 49 people) - Page 4

Victor Hernán Morales Reyes

Victor Hernán Morales Reyes

Chilean football player

Carolina Vera-Squella

Carolina Vera-Squella


Carmela Jeria Gómez

Carmela Jeria Gómez

Jorge Castro Muñoz

Jorge Castro Muñoz

Chilean politician

Manuel Cantero Prado

Manuel Cantero Prado

Chilean politician

Alice Ducasse

Alice Ducasse

Opera singer

Kennan Jesús Sepúlveda Acevedo

Kennan Jesús Sepúlveda Acevedo

Chilean football player

Alfonso Vargas

Alfonso Vargas

Former Minister of National Defense of Chile

Eduardo Cruz-Coke

Eduardo Cruz-Coke

Former Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Chile

Jorge Boonen

Jorge Boonen

Chilean military officer

Pablo Ramírez Rodríguez

Pablo Ramírez Rodríguez


Eduardo Cavieres

Eduardo Cavieres

Chilean historian

Ramón Allende Padín

Ramón Allende Padín

Former Senator of the Republic of Chile



Canadian singer-songwriter

Augusto Pinochet Ugarte

Augusto Pinochet Ugarte

Former President of Chile

Alvaro Peña-Rojas

Alvaro Peña-Rojas


Ariel Uribe

Ariel Uribe

Chilean footballer

John Biehl

John Biehl

Former Minister Secretary General of the Government of Chile

Martín Alonso Lara Collao

Martín Alonso Lara Collao

Chilean soccer player

Eduardo Vio Grossi

Eduardo Vio Grossi

Chilean judge

Raúl Bertelsen Repetto

Raúl Bertelsen Repetto

Former President of the Constitutional Court of Chile

Carolina Vera

Carolina Vera


Maria Concepcion Zardoya

Maria Concepcion Zardoya


Gaspar Cabrales

Gaspar Cabrales


Celia Castro

Celia Castro


Kenneth Pugh Olavarría

Kenneth Pugh Olavarría

Senator of the Republic of Chile

Rodrigo Balart

Rodrigo Balart

Australian film editor

Kennan Sepúlveda

Kennan Sepúlveda

Chilean footballer

Carlos Verdejo

Carlos Verdejo

Chilean footballer

Ramón Subercaseaux Vicuña

Ramón Subercaseaux Vicuña

Chilean Politician

Sergio Badilla Castillo

Sergio Badilla Castillo

Chilean poet

Martín Alonso Lara Collao

Martín Alonso Lara Collao


Carlos Cáceres Contreras

Carlos Cáceres Contreras

Former Minister of Finance of Chile

carlos caceres

carlos caceres

Former Minister of Finance of Chile

Jorge Abbott

Jorge Abbott

Cristian Bofill

Cristian Bofill


Felipe Herrera

Felipe Herrera

Guillermo Jullian de la Fuente

Guillermo Jullian de la Fuente

Chilean architect

Ernestina Pérez Barahona

Ernestina Pérez Barahona

Chilean physician

Carlos Maldonado Curti

Carlos Maldonado Curti

Former Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Chile

edmundo eluchans

edmundo eluchans

Former President of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Óscar Guillermo Garretón

Óscar Guillermo Garretón

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Nelson Oyarzún

Nelson Oyarzún

Hernán Trizano

Hernán Trizano

Chilean soldier

Patricio Frez

Patricio Frez

Javier Frelijj

Javier Frelijj

Chilean handball player

beatriz pichi malen elizabeth morris

beatriz pichi malen elizabeth morris


Mario Ibáñez

Mario Ibáñez

Chilean footballer

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