

Iringa is a town in central Tanzania. It sits on a cliff overlooking the Ruaha River Valley, in the Southern Highlands region. The town center has German colonial buildings and a popular market. The Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery memorializes soldiers who died in local battles during WWI and WWII. From Gangilonga Rock, which was once an important chieftain meeting spot, views stretch over the town.

People born in Iringa (First 11 people) - Page 0

Ken Lipenga

Ken Lipenga

Former Member of the National Assembly of Malawi

Peter Msolla

Peter Msolla

Tanzanian Politician

Dizasta Vina

Dizasta Vina

Musical artist

Godwin Kaduma

Godwin Kaduma


Joseph Mungai

Joseph Mungai

Tanzanian Politician

Fred Vunjabei

Fred Vunjabei

Tanzanian entrepreneur

Godfrey Mgimwa

Godfrey Mgimwa

Tanzanian Politician

Chief Mkwawa

Chief Mkwawa

Imani Sanga

Imani Sanga


Ali Kiba

Ali Kiba

Tanzanian singer-songwriter

Augustine Mahiga

Augustine Mahiga

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tanzania