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People born in Tarut (First 24 people) - Page 0
Abdel Fattah Ali Tarouti
Ratna Sarumpaet
Indonesian human rights activist
Olo Panggabean
Sintong Panjaitan
Maraden Panggabean
Former Minister of Defense of Republic of Indonesia
Benny Panjaitan
Indonesian singer
S. A. E. Nababan
Feisal Tanjung
Indonesian general
Manahan Sitompul
Indonesian judge
Edward Hutabarat
Sodjuangan Situmorang
Former Governor of Central Kalimantan
Johannes Chrisos Tomus Simorangkir
Former Member of Constitutional Assembly of Indonesia
effendi sianipar
Member of the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia
Maludin Simbolon
Military personnel
Sodjuangan Situmorang
Indonesian Politician
Zahari Siregar
Albert Mangaratua Tambunan
Former Deputy Speaker of the People's Representative Council of Indonesia
t.m. ryan novandi tengku sofia hanum
Lucian Pintilie
Romanian theatre director
Vasyl Mykhailov
Ukrainian olympic athlete
Israel Gohberg
Israeli mathematician
Alexander Shcherba
Yuriy Stoyanov
Russian theater actor
Serhii Hrynevetskyi
Soviet-Ukrainian politician