This Danish drama series focuses on the Second Schleswig War between the Kingdom of Denmark and the German Confederation. In the middle of the 19th century, two brothers, Laust and Peter, grow up in poor conditions in south Funen, away from other troubled lands. Their father returns home after a three-year battle with Prussia in 1851 and, as they get older, they become more curious about the world outside their hometown. Both brothers fall in love with the estate manager's daughter, Inge, a beautiful, well-read and fearless woman. In 1864, however, war is on the horizon as Prime Minister Monrad stirs up political unrest when he declares the province of Schleswig as property of the Danes, despite a peace treaty stating otherwise. … MORE

People died in 1864 (First 49 people) - Page 1

Maria Moxham Passmore

Maria Moxham Passmore

Sally Bradford

Sally Bradford

Andrew Falkner

Andrew Falkner

Horace Day Lockwood

Horace Day Lockwood

Mary Frome

Mary Frome

Sarah Magruder Bruce

Sarah Magruder Bruce

Francisca Javier Castillo Álvarez

Francisca Javier Castillo Álvarez

Edward Ford

Edward Ford


Sophie Anson

Sophie Anson

Thomas Motley

Thomas Motley

Robert James Mackintosh

Robert James Mackintosh

James Mackintosh's son

Bartolomeus Tours

Bartolomeus Tours


Elisabet Maria Wennervik

Elisabet Maria Wennervik

Erik Gustaf Lagerlöf's mother

Don Andrés Avelino de Arteaga-Lazcano y Palafox, 21.Señor de la Casa de Lazcano

Don Andrés Avelino de Arteaga-Lazcano y Palafox, 21.Señor de la Casa de Lazcano

Carolina Elisabet Didron

Carolina Elisabet Didron

George Savage

George Savage

Charles Dashwood Bruce

Charles Dashwood Bruce


John Cleves Short

John Cleves Short

Judge ‧ Peyton Short's son

Georgios Sachines

Georgios Sachines

Thomas Holmes Bosworth

Thomas Holmes Bosworth

Prince Felipe of Orléans

Prince Felipe of Orléans

Zheng Yuanbi

Zheng Yuanbi

Catherine Harvey

Catherine Harvey

James Woods McLane

James Woods McLane

Russel Sturgis Cook

Russel Sturgis Cook


Thomas Mather Smith

Thomas Mather Smith

Jane Endora Kirkpatrick Cogswell

Jane Endora Kirkpatrick Cogswell

William Kingsbury Jameson

William Kingsbury Jameson

Hathorn Tomlin

Hathorn Tomlin

Georgiana Fane

Georgiana Fane

Isabel Salusbury-Trelawny

Isabel Salusbury-Trelawny

Robert Fane

Robert Fane

English judge

Emilia Juliana

Emilia Juliana

Armandine de Moges

Armandine de Moges

Giselle Cumming

Giselle Cumming

Rozalia Róża Mostowska

Rozalia Róża Mostowska

Abijah Wyman Thayer

Abijah Wyman Thayer

J. W. Grill

J. W. Grill

Swedish businessperson

Hercules Robinson

Hercules Robinson

Naval officer

Capt. Poole Morphy

Capt. Poole Morphy

Jonathan Cogswell

Jonathan Cogswell


Victoire Gendebien

Victoire Gendebien

John Poulett, 5th Earl Poulett

John Poulett, 5th Earl Poulett

Eugénie Aimée Glavany

Eugénie Aimée Glavany

Zeng Guohui

Zeng Guohui

Charles Cody

Charles Cody

Michael Edensor Heathcote

Michael Edensor Heathcote

Frances Eliza Cartwright

Frances Eliza Cartwright

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