Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast

Côte d'Ivoire is a West African country with beach resorts, rainforests and a French-colonial legacy. Abidjan, on the Atlantic coast, is the country’s major urban center. Its modern landmarks include zigguratlike, concrete La Pyramide and St. Paul's Cathedral, a swooping structure tethered to a massive cross. North of the central business district, Banco National Park is a rainforest preserve with hiking trails. ― Google

People died in Cote D Ivoire (First 22 people) - Page 1

Henri Konan Bédié

Henri Konan Bédié

Former President of the Ivory Coast

Gaston Ouassenan

Gaston Ouassenan

Ivorian author

Hortense Aka-Anghui

Hortense Aka-Anghui

Former Mayor of Port-Bouet

Ernest Boka

Ernest Boka

Former President of the Supreme Court of Côte d'Ivoire

Jean-Louis Déotte

Jean-Louis Déotte


Ambrose Madtha

Ambrose Madtha

Mathieu Ekra

Mathieu Ekra


Victor Biaka Boda

Victor Biaka Boda


Laurent Pokou

Laurent Pokou

Ivorian footballer

Robert Guéï

Robert Guéï

Former President of the Ivory Coast

JeanBaptiste Mockey

JeanBaptiste Mockey


Bernard Zadi Zaourou

Bernard Zadi Zaourou

Ivorian Politician

Jean-Baptiste Mockey

Jean-Baptiste Mockey

Ivorian Politician

Willy Ta Bi

Willy Ta Bi

Ivorian footballer

Alioune Blondin Béye

Alioune Blondin Béye

Marcel Treich-Laplène

Marcel Treich-Laplène


Denis Bra Kanon

Denis Bra Kanon

Ivoirian politician

Amédée Pierre

Amédée Pierre

Ivoirian musical artist

Ernesto Djédjé

Ernesto Djédjé

Ivorian musician

Félix Houphouët-Boigny

Félix Houphouët-Boigny

Former President of the Ivory Coast

Marguerite Gado

Marguerite Gado

Koudou Gbagbo Laurent's mother

Oussou Konan Anicet

Oussou Konan Anicet

Ivoirian football player