

Precious Hearts Romances Presents: Paraiso is a 2012 Philippine drama television series under Precious Hearts Romances based on pocketbook novel Isla Sanctuario created by Dawn Igloria, and directed by Connie Macatuno, Nico Hernandez, and Rechie A. Del Carmen.

People died in Paraiso (First 10 people) - Page 1

Diego Elizondo Prado

Diego Elizondo Prado

Former President of the Senate of the Republic of Chile

Alberto Montt Montt

Alberto Montt Montt

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Juana Ross Edwards

Juana Ross Edwards

Chilean philanthropist

Francisco Urbina y Jado

Francisco Urbina y Jado

Edgar D. Crumpacker

Edgar D. Crumpacker

Former United States Representative

Earl Landgrebe

Earl Landgrebe


Harry Danning

Harry Danning

American professional baseball player

Bob Dille

Bob Dille

American professional basketball player

Mark L. De Motte

Mark L. De Motte

U.S. representative

Andrew G. Grutka

Andrew G. Grutka