This Danish drama series focuses on the Second Schleswig War between the Kingdom of Denmark and the German Confederation. In the middle of the 19th century, two brothers, Laust and Peter, grow up in poor conditions in south Funen, away from other troubled lands. Their father returns home after a three-year battle with Prussia in 1851 and, as they get older, they become more curious about the world outside their hometown. Both brothers fall in love with the estate manager's daughter, Inge, a beautiful, well-read and fearless woman. In 1864, however, war is on the horizon as Prime Minister Monrad stirs up political unrest when he declares the province of Schleswig as property of the Danes, despite a peace treaty stating otherwise. … MORE

People died in 1864 (First 49 people) - Page 2

Alexander Staples

Alexander Staples

Gijsberta Johanna Anna Adolphina van Wickevoort Crommelin

Gijsberta Johanna Anna Adolphina van Wickevoort Crommelin

John William Pye-Smith

John William Pye-Smith

John Pye-Smith's son

Anna Pauline Zarncke

Anna Pauline Zarncke

Sofya Klushina

Sofya Klushina

Benjamin van den Bosch

Benjamin van den Bosch

Arthur Beresford Cane

Arthur Beresford Cane

Henry John Elgar

Henry John Elgar

Johan Jacob Nahuys

Johan Jacob Nahuys

Frances Ann Twiss

Frances Ann Twiss

Francis Twiss' daughter

Maria von Schlippenbach

Maria von Schlippenbach

Edith Margaret Whiteley

Edith Margaret Whiteley

Stefan Emeryk Broel-Plater

Stefan Emeryk Broel-Plater

Mehitable Wheeler

Mehitable Wheeler

Gertrude Margaret Evans

Gertrude Margaret Evans

Sarah Anne Ranken

Sarah Anne Ranken

Beale Blackwell Colvin

Beale Blackwell Colvin

Brita Andersdotter

Brita Andersdotter

Harriet Foote

Harriet Foote

Elizabeth Louisa Jones

Elizabeth Louisa Jones

Eleanor Prendergast

Eleanor Prendergast

Jane Esther Maurice

Jane Esther Maurice

Jane Gunningham

Jane Gunningham

Gertrude Johnson

Gertrude Johnson

Margaret Vans Agnew

Margaret Vans Agnew

Vladimir Knorring

Vladimir Knorring

Military personnel

Mary Bramall

Mary Bramall

Francis Ward Spilsbury

Francis Ward Spilsbury


Edward Sedgfield Donner

Edward Sedgfield Donner

Johannes Jacobus Dinsbach

Johannes Jacobus Dinsbach

Judith Stirling

Judith Stirling

Emily Frances Turner

Emily Frances Turner

Agnes Caroline Dunbar

Agnes Caroline Dunbar

Walter George Hugh Casement

Walter George Hugh Casement

Anne Harriet Eyre

Anne Harriet Eyre

Susanna Antoinette Lucassen

Susanna Antoinette Lucassen

Henrietta Edith Jessie Francklyn

Henrietta Edith Jessie Francklyn

Clara Horwitz

Clara Horwitz

Anne Hankin

Anne Hankin

Prudence Davenport

Prudence Davenport

Robina Hunter of Lunna

Robina Hunter of Lunna

Henrietta Catherine Hunter

Henrietta Catherine Hunter

Freiherr Adolf von Broich

Freiherr Adolf von Broich

Jkvr. Louise Joséphine Huughe de Peutevin

Jkvr. Louise Joséphine Huughe de Peutevin

Clara Priscilla Norris

Clara Priscilla Norris

Ffloyd Minter Peck

Ffloyd Minter Peck

Albert Judeich

Albert Judeich

Susanah Tarrant

Susanah Tarrant

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