This Danish drama series focuses on the Second Schleswig War between the Kingdom of Denmark and the German Confederation. In the middle of the 19th century, two brothers, Laust and Peter, grow up in poor conditions in south Funen, away from other troubled lands. Their father returns home after a three-year battle with Prussia in 1851 and, as they get older, they become more curious about the world outside their hometown. Both brothers fall in love with the estate manager's daughter, Inge, a beautiful, well-read and fearless woman. In 1864, however, war is on the horizon as Prime Minister Monrad stirs up political unrest when he declares the province of Schleswig as property of the Danes, despite a peace treaty stating otherwise. … MORE

People died in 1864 (First 49 people) - Page 3

Newton Stone

Newton Stone

Edmond Quayle Christian

Edmond Quayle Christian

Rebecca Hitchcock

Rebecca Hitchcock

Ludwig Böhl

Ludwig Böhl

Amalia von Mengden

Amalia von Mengden


John Eyre Trench

John Eyre Trench

Henriette Margarethe Luise von Pritzelwitz

Henriette Margarethe Luise von Pritzelwitz

Anna Eliza Oliver

Anna Eliza Oliver

John Cuninghame

John Cuninghame

John Fitz Moore-Halsey

John Fitz Moore-Halsey

Leopold von Holst

Leopold von Holst


Joseph Amesbury

Joseph Amesbury

Emily Grace Minchin

Emily Grace Minchin

Ulrika Charlotta von Platen

Ulrika Charlotta von Platen

Pyotr Alexandrovich Nashchokin

Pyotr Alexandrovich Nashchokin

William Birch-Wolfe

William Birch-Wolfe

Henry Lewis Wickham

Henry Lewis Wickham


David G. Seixas

David G. Seixas

Gershom Mendes Seixas' son

Frances Maria Richardson

Frances Maria Richardson

Marie Elisabeth de Melotte d'Envoz

Marie Elisabeth de Melotte d'Envoz

Mary Morison

Mary Morison

Franziska Anna Gräfin von Starhemberg

Franziska Anna Gräfin von Starhemberg

Wilhelmina Eva Christina Hahn

Wilhelmina Eva Christina Hahn

Mary Wistar

Mary Wistar

Amalia Sattler

Amalia Sattler

Mary Mitton

Mary Mitton

Alexandre de Lossy

Alexandre de Lossy

Elizabeth Cutts Lowell Dutton

Elizabeth Cutts Lowell Dutton

Fleming John Brisco

Fleming John Brisco

Giovanni Francesco Morra, 6.Principe di Morra

Giovanni Francesco Morra, 6.Principe di Morra

William Bowen Mends

William Bowen Mends

Naval officer

Ellen Theresa Prendergast

Ellen Theresa Prendergast

Maria Denham Rayden

Maria Denham Rayden

Israel Saphir

Israel Saphir

Merchant ‧ Adolph Saphir's father

Edward Tucker

Edward Tucker

Naval officer

Samuel de Zoete

Samuel de Zoete

Clement Carlyon

Clement Carlyon


Charlotte Anna Dick

Charlotte Anna Dick

Isaac Van Doren

Isaac Van Doren

Anton Kinsky

Anton Kinsky

Omar ibn Said

Omar ibn Said


José Antônio de Castro Alves

José Antônio de Castro Alves

Castro Alves' brother

Thomas H. Shepherd

Thomas H. Shepherd


Hillel Paritcher

Hillel Paritcher


Sayyid Muhammad Khan

Sayyid Muhammad Khan

Muhammad Rahim Bahadur Khan I's son

Dolly Dalrymple

Dolly Dalrymple

Siegfried Bendixen

Siegfried Bendixen

German painter

Saturnino Calderón Collantes

Saturnino Calderón Collantes

Spanish Politician

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