Alcalá de Guadaíra

Alcalá de Guadaíra

Alcalá de Guadaíra is a town located approximately 17 km southeast of Seville, Spain; in recent years the expansion of Seville has meant that Alcalá has become a suburb of that city. Alcalá used to be known as Alcalá de los Panaderos because it provided most of Seville's bread.

People died in Alcala De Guadaira (First 7 people) - Page 0

Diego García de Padilla

Diego García de Padilla

Maria de Padilla's brother

Juan Pío Montúfar

Juan Pío Montúfar

Antonio Pérez Guerrero

Antonio Pérez Guerrero

Spanish musical artist

Ángel Oliveros Jiménez

Ángel Oliveros Jiménez

Football player

Mariano Pulido

Mariano Pulido

Spanish football player

Cesáreo Estébanez

Cesáreo Estébanez

Movie actor

Diego García de Padilla

Diego García de Padilla

Maria de Padilla's brother