People died in Bon (First 49 people) - Page 0

Amadeu de Clermont el Vell

Amadeu de Clermont el Vell

Berenguera d'Anglesola

Berenguera d'Anglesola

David Kimhi

David Kimhi


Guillema I de Pallars Sobirà

Guillema I de Pallars Sobirà

Guiraut Riquier

Guiraut Riquier


Guillemette of Neufchâtel

Guillemette of Neufchâtel

Beatrix of Arborea

Beatrix of Arborea

Marianus IV of Arborea's daughter

Pedro Fernández de Velasco

Pedro Fernández de Velasco

Fernán Sánchez de Velasco II's son

Fernando Sánchez de Tovar

Fernando Sánchez de Tovar


Pedro Ruiz Sarmiento

Pedro Ruiz Sarmiento

Guillaume I de Narbonne

Guillaume I de Narbonne

William II of Narbonne's father

Gomes Eanes de Zurara

Gomes Eanes de Zurara

Former Chief Chronicler of the Kingdom of Portugal

Duarte de Meneses

Duarte de Meneses

Former Governor of Portuguese India

Duarte de Menezes

Duarte de Menezes

Former Governor of Portuguese India

Sultan Trenggana

Sultan Trenggana


Gregório Lopes

Gregório Lopes




Military commander

Estêvão da Gama

Estêvão da Gama

Former Governor of Portuguese India ‧ Vasco da Gama's son

Álvaro de Luna y Sarmiento

Álvaro de Luna y Sarmiento

Military personnel

Sancho d'Avila

Sancho d'Avila

Military personnel

Jerónimo de Ruão

Jerónimo de Ruão


Manuel Rodrigues Coelho

Manuel Rodrigues Coelho

Portuguese organist

Filipe de Magalhães

Filipe de Magalhães

Portuguese composer

Massimiliano Neri

Massimiliano Neri

Italian model

louis phélypeaux, seigneur of la vrillière

louis phélypeaux, seigneur of la vrillière

French Politician

Salvador de Sá

Salvador de Sá

Former Governor of Rio de Janeiro

Luís Manuel da Câmara, 3rd Count of Ribeira Grande

Luís Manuel da Câmara, 3rd Count of Ribeira Grande

Portuguese diplomat

José Rodrigo da Câmara

José Rodrigo da Câmara

José da Câmara Teles, 4th Count of Ribeira Grande

José da Câmara Teles, 4th Count of Ribeira Grande

Bartolomeu Nunes Holtreman

Bartolomeu Nunes Holtreman

Francisco Dagohoy

Francisco Dagohoy

Filipino revolutionary

Carlos Correia de Toledo e Melo

Carlos Correia de Toledo e Melo

Francesco Saverio Fabri

Francesco Saverio Fabri


Nicolas-Louis-Albert Delerive

Nicolas-Louis-Albert Delerive


Pedro Augusto de Lima

Pedro Augusto de Lima


King Dongmyeong of Goguryeo

King Dongmyeong of Goguryeo

Chumo the Holy

Chumo the Holy

Dongmyeong of Goguryeo

Hae Buru of Dongbuyeo

Hae Buru of Dongbuyeo


Chumo of Goguryeo

Chumo of Goguryeo

Dongmyeong of Goguryeo

Carles Casals i Ribes Musician

Carles Casals i Ribes Musician

Composer ‧ Pablo Casals' father

Carles Casals i Ribes

Carles Casals i Ribes

Composer ‧ Pablo Casals' father

Miranda Hill

Miranda Hill

Luciano Freire

Luciano Freire

Portuguese painter

Edith Radtke

Edith Radtke

Charles-Henri Contencin

Charles-Henri Contencin


Antonio Discovolo

Antonio Discovolo

Italian painter

John Benjamin Sainsbury

John Benjamin Sainsbury

John James Sainsbury's son

Porfirio Pardal Monteiro

Porfirio Pardal Monteiro

Portuguese architect

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