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People died in Brunswick (First 49 people) - Page 0
Thomas Walpole
John Rodman
American Politician
Franklyn M. Branley
Ebenezer Emmons
American geologist
Goronwy Owen
Welsh poet
Thomas Claiborne
Former United States Representative
Peter Burwell Starke
David Dortch Warriner
Former Judge
Thomas Gholson
Former United States Representative
John Claiborne
Former United States Representative
Arthur Dobbs
British official
Lewis Moran
Lewis Caine
Anne McDonald
Australian author
Vic Belcher
Australian footballer
George Milner Stephen
John Tower
Former United States Senator
Sonny Carter
American chemist
Bessie Jones
American singer
Diann Blakely
American poet
Edward P. King
James E. Thompson Jr.
Military personnel
Tyrone Jones
Canadian football player
anthony alaimo
Anthony A. Alaimo
Former Judge
Jimmy Orr
American football player
Cornelia Walker Bailey
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
German philosopher
William V, Prince of Orange
Henry the Lion
Duke of Saxony
Johann Joachim Eschenburg
German critic
Friedrich Gerstäcker
German novelist
Walter Dexel
German painter
Agnes Pockels
Adolf Raegener
Rosine Elisabeth Menthe
Graf Christoph A. Douglas
German art historian
Ludger tom Ring the Younger
German painter
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Jerusalem
Franz Wilhelm Ferling
Friedrich Adolf Riedesel
Military commander
Karl von Müller
Henry V, Count Palatine of the Rhine
Former Count Palatine of the Rhine
Lutz Eigendorf
German football player
Martin Chemnitz
German theologian
Alexander Fesca
German composer
Hans Seidemann
German general
Heinrich Bär
German flying ace
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