Two rebellious youths, Ralph (Robert Downey Jr. ) and Scott (Kiefer Sutherland), find themselves struggling with adulthood as the Vietnam War rages. Feeling trapped in their small town, Scott battles with his conservative veteran father, Cliff (Bruce Dern), and Ralph deals with his desperately sexual mother, Ev (Joanna Cassidy). When tragic news arrives from overseas, the entire town, inspired by Ralph and Scott's antiwar efforts, reevaluates its attitude toward the war. … MORE

1969 People (First 49 people) - Page 0

Plaza Suite

Plaza Suite

Play by Neil Simon

Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead

Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead

Book by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Chemical evolution

Chemical evolution

Book by Melvin Calvin

What do you say after you say hello?

What do you say after you say hello?

Book by Eric Berne

Miller's Guide to the Dissection of the Dog

Miller's Guide to the Dissection of the Dog

Book by Alexander DeLahunta and Howard E. Evans

the treasure of kefer shimon astrotheology for the cosmic adventure

the treasure of kefer shimon astrotheology for the cosmic adventure

Book by Clifford J. Stevens

A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural

A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural

Book by Peter L. Berger

The Two-Character Play

The Two-Character Play

Play by Tennessee Williams

Homem Verde, O

Homem Verde, O

Midsomer Murders: Season 7, Episode 1

Dissemination Jacques Derrida

Dissemination Jacques Derrida

Book by Jacques Derrida

Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-phase Equilibria

Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-phase Equilibria

Book by Edmundo Gomes de Azevedo, John Prausnitz, and Ruediger N. Lichtenthaler

Theory of intermolecular forces

Theory of intermolecular forces

Quest : history and meaning in religion Mircea Eliade

Quest : history and meaning in religion Mircea Eliade

Book by Mircea Eliade

Brackenbeck Margaret Dickinson

Brackenbeck Margaret Dickinson

Book by Margaret Dickinson

Hello, where did all the people go? Ronald Searle

Hello, where did all the people go? Ronald Searle

Book by Ronald Searle

Real people Alison Lurie

Real people Alison Lurie

Book by Alison Lurie

Catherine de' Medici Eleanor Alice Burford

Catherine de' Medici Eleanor Alice Burford

Book by Eleanor Alice Burford

Dance to Your Daddy Gladys Mitchell

Dance to Your Daddy Gladys Mitchell

Book by Gladys Mitchell

Blackboard Bear

Blackboard Bear

Book by Martha Alexander

The Duke of Palermo

The Duke of Palermo

Book by Edmund Wilson

The coffer dams

The coffer dams

Book by Kamala Markandaya

Causes of Delinquency

Causes of Delinquency

Book by Travis Hirschi

Storm in Chandigarh

Storm in Chandigarh

Book by Nayantara Sahgal

Night Rounds Patrick Modiano

Night Rounds Patrick Modiano

Book by Patrick Modiano

The state in capitalist society

The state in capitalist society

Book by Ralph Miliband

Le Bel Inconnu

Le Bel Inconnu

Book by Renaud de Beaujeu

The genesis of the classical conditioned response Irene Martin

The genesis of the classical conditioned response Irene Martin

Book by Irene Martin

Mary, Queen of Scots

Mary, Queen of Scots

Former queen of Scotland

Thermal physics Charles Kittel

Thermal physics Charles Kittel

Textbook by Charles Kittel

Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results

Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results

Book by David Ruelle

Introduction to Commutative Algebra

Introduction to Commutative Algebra

Textbook by Michael Atiyah

Zur Sache des Denkens Martin Heidegger

Zur Sache des Denkens Martin Heidegger

Book by Martin Heidegger

Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English

Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English

Book by David Crystal

The Insects: Structure and Function

The Insects: Structure and Function

Book by Reginald Frederick Chapman

Design with nature

Design with nature

Book by Ian McHarg

The Time Dweller

The Time Dweller

Book by Michael Moorcock

Les Guérillères

Les Guérillères

Novel by Monique Wittig

The social reality of religion

The social reality of religion

Book by Peter L. Berger

The vanity of power John M. Cooper

The vanity of power John M. Cooper

Book by John M. Cooper

Monetary Vs. Fiscal Policy Milton Friedman

Monetary Vs. Fiscal Policy Milton Friedman

Book by Milton Friedman and Walter Heller

They shall inherit the earth Morley Callaghan

They shall inherit the earth Morley Callaghan

Book by Morley Callaghan

Shelley and the Revolutionary Idea Gerald McNiece

Shelley and the Revolutionary Idea Gerald McNiece

Book by Gerald McNiece

The bad island William Steig

The bad island William Steig

Book by William Steig

Han Duvarları

Han Duvarları

Book by Faruk Nafiz Camlibel

The Duke of Palermo and Other Plays Edmund Wilson

The Duke of Palermo and Other Plays Edmund Wilson

Book by Edmund Wilson

Irr! Grønt! Dag Solstad

Irr! Grønt! Dag Solstad

Book by Dag Solstad

Set theory and its logic

Set theory and its logic

Book by Willard Van Orman Quine

Monetary Vs. Fiscal Policy

Monetary Vs. Fiscal Policy

Book by Milton Friedman and Walter Heller

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