1993 is an Italian TV series, preceded by 1992, based on an idea by Stefano Accorsi, created by Alessandro Fabbri, Ludovica Rampoldi, Stefano Sardo and directed by Giuseppe Gagliardi. The series will be followed by the last chapter 1994. Following 1992, 1993 is set in Rome and Milan.

1993 People (First 49 people) - Page 2

Culture and Imperialism

Culture and Imperialism

Book by Edward Said

Boas and Pythons: Breeding and Care Annette Wright

Boas and Pythons: Breeding and Care Annette Wright

Book by Annette Wright and Erik D. Stoops

Le chaland d'or Michael Moorcock

Le chaland d'or Michael Moorcock

Book by Michael Moorcock

Surpassing ourselves

Surpassing ourselves

Book by Carl Bereiter

The Partial Constitution Cass Sunstein

The Partial Constitution Cass Sunstein

Book by Cass R. Sunstein

Challenging the Professions: Frontiers for Rural Development Robert Chambers

Challenging the Professions: Frontiers for Rural Development Robert Chambers

Book by Robert Chambers

beyond farmer first: rural people's knowledge, agricultural research and extension practice an anthropological critique of development: the growth of ignorance

beyond farmer first: rural people's knowledge, agricultural research and extension practice an anthropological critique of development: the growth of ignorance


Topology and geometry

Topology and geometry

Book by Glen Bredon

histology for pathologists essential histology

histology for pathologists essential histology

Book by David H. Cormack

The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community

The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community

Book by Peter Katz

Causation, prediction, and search

Causation, prediction, and search

Book by Peter Spirtes



Book by Raewyn Connell

Prisoners without trial

Prisoners without trial

Book by Roger Daniels

Teaching Literacy, Balancing Perspectives Roger Beard

Teaching Literacy, Balancing Perspectives Roger Beard

Book by Roger Beard

A Philosopher's Apprentice: In Karl Popper's Workshop Joseph Agassi

A Philosopher's Apprentice: In Karl Popper's Workshop Joseph Agassi

Book by Joseph Agassi

Freedom's lawmakers

Freedom's lawmakers

Book by Eric Foner

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering

Book by Giorgio Rizzoni

Table Tennis: Steps to Success Larry Hodges

Table Tennis: Steps to Success Larry Hodges

Book by Larry Hodges

Molecular magnetism

Molecular magnetism

Book by Olivier Kahn

For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down

For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down

Novel by David Adams Richards

Tūla Jurgis Kunčinas

Tūla Jurgis Kunčinas

Book by Jurgis Kunčinas

Critical Theories of the State: Marxist, Neomarxist, Postmarxist Clyde W. Barrow

Critical Theories of the State: Marxist, Neomarxist, Postmarxist Clyde W. Barrow

Book by Clyde W. Barrow

Financial Derivatives Robert W Kolb

Financial Derivatives Robert W Kolb

Book by James A. Overdahl and Robert W Kolb

Rain in the Mountains Ruskin Bond

Rain in the Mountains Ruskin Bond

Book by Ruskin Bond

Devotional Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups

Devotional Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups


Psychotherapy Marie-Louise von Franz

Psychotherapy Marie-Louise von Franz

Book by Marie-Louise von Franz

Butterfly Stories

Butterfly Stories

Book by William T. Vollmann

The blooming of a lotus

The blooming of a lotus

Book by Thich Nhat Hanh




Eastern Sun, Winter Moon

Eastern Sun, Winter Moon

Book by Gary Paulsen

The early origins of the social sciences Lynn McDonald

The early origins of the social sciences Lynn McDonald

Book by Lynn McDonald

Democracy and the problem of free speech

Democracy and the problem of free speech

Book by Cass Sunstein

The Partial Constitution

The Partial Constitution

Book by Cass Sunstein

Political Economy of Policy Reform in Developing Countries

Political Economy of Policy Reform in Developing Countries

Book by Anne Osborn Krueger

Grandchild of Kings Harold Prince

Grandchild of Kings Harold Prince

Book by Harold Prince

The Inner Art of Meditation Jack Kornfield

The Inner Art of Meditation Jack Kornfield

Book by Jack Kornfield

Where Are the Stars During the Day? Melvin Berger

Where Are the Stars During the Day? Melvin Berger

Book by Melvin Berger

Zel Donna Jo Napoli

Zel Donna Jo Napoli

Book by Donna Jo Napoli

Addy the Baddy

Addy the Baddy

Book by Margaret Joy

The Evolution of Ethnic Relations in a Mixed Region: Arabs and Jews in the Galilee, Israel Oren Yiftachel

The Evolution of Ethnic Relations in a Mixed Region: Arabs and Jews in the Galilee, Israel Oren Yiftachel

Book by Oren Yiftachel

The Planning of Central Perth: Public Attitudes and Behaviour 1984-1992 Oren Yiftachel

The Planning of Central Perth: Public Attitudes and Behaviour 1984-1992 Oren Yiftachel

Book by Oren Yiftachel

Planning and Planners in Western Australia: An Historical Perspective Oren Yiftachel

Planning and Planners in Western Australia: An Historical Perspective Oren Yiftachel

Book by David Hedgcock and Oren Yiftachel

Changing Contract Across Generations Vern L. Bengtson

Changing Contract Across Generations Vern L. Bengtson

Book by Vern L. Bengtson

Tabamatus Jaan Kross

Tabamatus Jaan Kross

Book by Jaan Kross

The Quotable Bertrand Russell

The Quotable Bertrand Russell

Book by Bertrand Russell

Play Ball: The Life and Troubled Times of Major League Baseball John Feinstein

Play Ball: The Life and Troubled Times of Major League Baseball John Feinstein

Book by John Feinstein

Introducing the USA: A Cultural Reader Peter Lewis Keane Murphy

Introducing the USA: A Cultural Reader Peter Lewis Keane Murphy

Book by Milada Broukal and Peter Lewis Keane Murphy

A concise atlas of dermatopathology Phillip H. McKee

A concise atlas of dermatopathology Phillip H. McKee

Book by Phillip H. McKee

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