Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press is the largest university press in the world, and the second oldest after Cambridge University Press. It is a department of the University of Oxford and is governed by a group of 15 academics appointed by the vice-chancellor known as the delegates of the press.

Oxford University Press People (First 31 people) - Page 2

The Culture of Connectivity

The Culture of Connectivity

Book by José van Dijck

The Adapted Mind

The Adapted Mind

Book by Jerome H. Barkow, John Tooby, and Leda Cosmides

The Internet Galaxy

The Internet Galaxy

Book by Manuel Castells

Why Leaders Lie

Why Leaders Lie

Book by John Mearsheimer

Reasons and Persons

Reasons and Persons

Book by Derek Parfit

What Is Mathematics?

What Is Mathematics?

Book by Herbert Robbins and Richard Courant

Aurora Floyd

Aurora Floyd

Novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

The Signifying Monkey

The Signifying Monkey

Book by Henry Louis Gates Jr.

The Principles of Quantum Mechanics

The Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Book by Paul Dirac

Malign Neglect

Malign Neglect

Book by Michael Tonry

Inhuman Bondage

Inhuman Bondage

Book by David Brion Davis

Brain Gender

Brain Gender

Book by Melissa Hines

No Shortcuts

No Shortcuts

Book by Jane McAlevey



Book by Christine Korsgaard

River Boy

River Boy

Novel by Tim Bowler



Novel by Tim Bowler



Novel by Tim Bowler

Moral Mazes

Moral Mazes

Book by Robert Jackall

Dragon's Rock

Dragon's Rock

Novel by Tim Bowler

Buried Thunder

Buried Thunder

Novel by Tim Bowler

Storm Catchers

Storm Catchers

Book by Tim Bowler

Beyond the Hoax

Beyond the Hoax

Book by Alan Sokal

The Great Terror

The Great Terror

Book by Robert Conquest

The Green Laurel

The Green Laurel

Novel by Eleanor Spence

A Valley Grows Up

A Valley Grows Up

Book by Edward Osmond

New English Bible

New English Bible

Book by Oxford University Press

Power, Sex, Suicide

Power, Sex, Suicide

Book by Nick Lane

Tiger in the Bush

Tiger in the Bush

Novel by Nan Chauncy

The Aesthetic Mind

The Aesthetic Mind


The Little Bookroom

The Little Bookroom

Fairy tale

Marxism and Morality

Marxism and Morality

Book by Steven Lukes